
Imam Sadiq from Imam Khomeini's point of veiw

The Life of Imam Jaafar Al-Sadiq

Imam addressed the young in this way: "The young students, dear young people, no matter, where you...

Imam addressed the young in this way: "The young students, dear young people, no matter, where you come from, you are this nation’s hope. You should pass the way, which is in front of you. You should end and continue this movement for which there has been the bloodshed case…. You should pass the way so that you will be considered as the right followers of the holy prophet (peace be upon him and his household) and Imam Sadiq".

In another part of his statement one would find that "The best character with which one can get insight in to Imam Sadiq’s personality is Imam’s jurisprudence (Fiqh)". He continues: "The jurisprudence which had been developed by him, can meet the needs of all humankind. The jurisprudence (Fiqh), the book and practice, by themselves can meet all of the superficial, spiritual, philosophical and mystic needs of all human beings. We can not offer a suitable definition for it."

Imam has called Iran as Imam Sadiq’s land: "Here is a land of The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household). This land belongs to Imam Sadiq. Our soldiers have priority over those who live in the palace. The members of our mobilization forces are much more noble than all of courtiers all around the world and also in comparison with those adhere to absurd claims who think that every one around the world must be modest to them."

"We are honored to say that our religion is Ja’fari. Our jurisprudence, which is an endless sea, is the result of Imam Sadiq’s endeavor, we are proud to be the followers of the innocent Imams.

Imam Sadiq from the great leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei’s point of veiw

Here comes Ayatollah Khamenei’s words about the scientific, campaigning and organizational characteristics of Imam Sadiq:
"Imam Sadiq could train a group of Muslims and true believers of the Islamic school of thought, from the real essence, ready to rise against the tyrannical rulers, who could sacrifice themselves and who were ready to face any hazardous situation. This was due to the hard efforts of Imam Sajjad and Imam Baqir".

Ayatollah Khamenei continues in this way: "As far as a base is concerned, Imam Sadiq controlled the affairs of an immense Islamic party all around the world".

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