
The Principles of Leadership in Islam

The leadership sought by the holy Quran is that directed towards Allah almighty by its social and spiritual dimensions, unlike the contemporary human understanding of leadership as merely social prominence for a man naturally needs it. The value of this leadership is based on three principles:


Intension and the Act of Worships

Intention (Niyah): is the deliberate and decisive direction of will towards something. In Islam, it plays a significant role in assigning true value to human actions and stances.


The Fighters and Spending Night in Worship

In the context of enumerating the characteristics and qualities of his sincere followers, Al Imam Ali says, "Their lips are withered from supplication, their colors pale from night vigil."


Martyrdom from Al Imam Al Khomeini Point of View

There is no doubt that martyrdom is a divine blessing granted by Allah, the exalted and almighty; a person can’t achieve it by himself.



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