
Martyrdom from Al Imam Al Khomeini Point of View


There is no doubt that martyrdom is a divine blessing granted by Allah, the exalted and almighty; a person can’t achieve it by himself.


Martyrdom from Al Imam Al Khomeini Point of View
How to become a martyr?
There is no doubt that martyrdom is a divine blessing granted by Allah, the exalted and almighty; a person can’t achieve it by himself.
Al Imam Al Khomeini (may Allah sanctify his secret) says:” For us, martyrdom us a great wealth.”
But this doesn’t mean that Allah, the exalted and almighty, grants for anyone. Al Imam Al Khomeini (may Allah sanctify his secret) says:” Martyrdom is Allah’s gift to those who deserve it”. [1]
Therefore, a person must possess a martyr’s qualities and be worthy of martyrdom to be bestowed by this blessing from Allah almighty. Some of these conditions include: 
1- Continence of the World (Zuhd)
If the world has any value, it is because it serves as a farm for the hereafter, a mosque for Allah's friends , and a path to reaching His pleasure. If we detach it from all that and view it purely from a materialistic perspective, it will have no value at all. As Al Imam Ali (a.s) says in one of his statements:
"As if they had not heard Allah’s words where He says: 'That home of the Hereafter We assign to those who do not desire exaltedness upon the earth or corruption. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous.”[2]Yes, by Allah, they have heard it and understood it, but the world appeared sweet in their eyes and its glitter delighted them. By the One who split the seed and created life, if it were not for the presence of those who seek support and the establishment of proof through the existence of a helper, and if Allah had not taken a covenant from the knowledgeable not to acquiesce in the gluttony of an oppressor and the starvation of the oppressed, I would have cast away its rope and given the end of its cup to its beginning, and you would have found that this world of yours is more insignificant to me than the sneeze of a goat..."[3]
This is how the mujahid (fighter) in the path of Allah should be, detached from the world, aware of the status of martyrdom: “And if you are killed in the cause of Allah or die, then forgiveness from Allah and mercy are better than whatever they accumulate.”[4]
As one draws closer to the Hereafter and distances oneself from worldly attachments, they pave the way for themselves to engage in the path of the martyrs, whom Allah chooses and dignifies with the garment of His honor.
Al Imam Al Khomeini (may Allah sanctify his secret) emphasized this in his words: “The entire world with all its attractions and considerations is far less than being a reward and rank for the mujahideen in the path of Allah.”
“The mujahid in the path of Allah is too noble to evaluate their precious deeds with the decorations of the world.”
“They did not sell their souls for a paltry price, nor were they swayed by the fleeting attractions and attachments of the world.”[5]
2- Embracing the School of Ashura
The history of Muslims is filled with jihad and martyrdom, and it is not strange for Muslim youth to rise as martyrs to their Creator, adorned with their blood. “For us, death is a custom.”
The school of Ashura is an eternal source and the greatest reservoir of noble moral meanings. From it, one learns religious and human values such as sacrifice, altruism, generosity, dignity, and steadfastness in life. Al Imam Al Khomeini (may Allah sanctify his secret) alludes to this in his words: “We do not care if the pure blood of our youth is shed in the path of Islam, we do not care if martyrdom becomes an inheritance for our loved ones. It is the pleasing approach followed by the Shia (followers) of The Commander of the Faithful (a.s) since the emergence of Islam until today.”[6]
“The path of martyrdom is legitimate, the path of the family of Muhammad and Ali, and this pride has passed from the household of prophethood and guardianship to their descendants and followers of their methodologies.”[7]
From the prayer niche of the mosque of Kufa to the desert of Karbala, the Islamic nation has presented valuable sacrifices to dear Islam and for the sake of Allah.”
As long as death is a custom for us, it will not have negative effects on society and will not cause setbacks and pressure, as we see in many other societies.
The revolution of Al Imam Al Hussein (a.s), with the message it carries written with the purest blood of the earth, to penetrate with its light all kinds of veils and reach our ears, is capable of creating martyrs with all the divine qualities needed by the martyr. This school has been able to produce convoys of martyrs throughout history with its blessings.
Al Imam Al Khomeini (may Allah sanctify his secret) says: “Regardless of the circumstances, my pen and tongue are incapable of depicting the great resistance of millions of Muslims, lovers of service, sacrifice, and martyrdom in this country, the country of our souls’ master, the one for whom we would sacrifice ourselves. The struggles, heroics, goodness, and blessings of these spiritual children of Fatimah Al Zahra cannot be described. Surely, these heroics stem from the authentic Islamic approach and the family of the Prophet, and from the blessings of the guardianship of Imam Ashura.”[8]
3- Connecting with the Martyrs
In addition to connecting with this great historical school, it is essential to benefit from the lights of the martyrs of this era as well and to increase the connection with them. It is important to understand their spirit, their path, and to read their advice because their advice shakes the souls and awakens the consciences that Satan tries to silence and erase their voices directed towards righteousness.
Connecting with the martyrs brings the spirituality of a person closer to their spirit, so they become ready to receive this divine overflow they received, which is martyrdom.
Al Imam Al Khomeini affirmed on many occasions that the martyrs are considered leaders of the march, and they are the teachers in the world of jihad, and we must benefit from them. He said in this context: “Our leader is that twelve-year-old child[9], the owner of the small heart, who surpasses hundreds of our tongues and pens, who carried his bomb and threw himself under the enemy tank, blowing it up, savoring the drink of martyrdom.” “Those who ignited, with their pure blood, the torches of the path to freedom for all oppressed peoples.” “For every hair touched or drop of blood shed for a martyr, fighters and determined men are born.”[10]
4- The Firm Resolve and High Aspiration
Al Imam Khomeini says: “O martyrs, you are witnesses of truth and are mentioned with the firm resolve and steel-like will of the sincere God’s servants, who recorded with their blood and souls the most sincere and noble ranks of servitude and submission to the holiest station of truth, Almighty and Glorious. They embodied in the field of the greatest jihad, the struggle with oneself, and the lesser jihad, the struggle with the enemy, the reality of the triumph of blood over the sword and the domination of human will over the whispers of Satan.”[11]
He also says: “The firm resolve and high aspiration of the martyrs have established the foundations of the Islamic Republic in Iran, and our revolution has become the beacon of glory in the East, illuminating the paths for the guidance of thirsty generations.”[12]
* Lessons from the Path of Al Imam Al Khomeini (may God sanctify his secret), Al Maaref Islamic and Cultural Institution


[1] Sahifat Al Nour, part 10, page 11
[2] Surah Al Qasas, verse 83
[3] Nahjul Balagha , part 1, page 36, from the sermon 3 which is known as Shawshaqiya Sermon
[4] Surah Al Imran verse 157
[5] Sahifat Al Nour, part 19, page 296
[6] Sahifat Al Nour, part 5, page 269
[7] Sahifat Al Nour, part 15, page 154
[8] Sahifat Al Nour, part 20
[9] Reference to the martyr Hussein Fahmidah, one of the mobilization members, who carried out a martyrdom operation by detonating himself with an Iraqi tank using an explosive belt he had with him despite his young age.
[10] A speech delivered on 11-2-1958
[11] Sahifat Al Nour, part 19, page 296
[12] Sahifat Al Nour, part 20, page 59
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