Death In Or En Route To Mecca
Knowledge of the hereafter
Among those who will be saved from the fear and fright of the Day of Judgement are also those who die...
Death In Or En Route To Mecca
Knowledge of the hereafter
Among those who will be saved from the fear and fright of the Day of Judgement are also those who die or get buried either in Mecca Mukarramah or Medina Munawwarah. Similarly those too who die while going to the said Holy places or while returning from there.
Among such lucky persons are also those who had regarded their nafs (desires) as their enemies (they did not consider others as their foes). The apparent meaning of the Hadith sentence Man…Naas is that while passing life in the society, if he finds unpalatable things in others he would not blame others but only himself. He will scold only himself for having hoped otherwise from others. Such people would ask themselves, “Why not find fault with one's own self? Why find faults with others at all?”
Hama Aib…Daari meaning: It is no manhood and fortitude to find faults with others. Look also into your own self. You will realize that you too are full of sine.
Patience In Passion And Anger
The third group which has been promised to be protected and safe are those people who, despite being able to react angrily and thereby to do something unwise, restrain themselves just due to remembrance of God. Thus, they suppress their anger only for God's sake. Such are the people who will be protected from the fright on the Day of Judgment because they did not indulge in any carnal desire and any selfish act to save their prestige but only for fear of Almighty Allah. One of the Divine Mercies mentioned in books is that if a Momin (faithful) puts his hand on one's grave and recites Surah Qadr for seven times, the body in that grave also remains protected from the fear and fright of Qiyamah.
The Love (Muhabbat) And Wilayat Of Hazrat Ali (A.S.) Is A Guarantee Of True Safety And Protection
The real and true guarantee of protection from the terrible fright on the Day of Judgment is the Wilayat and Muhabbat of Amirul Momineen (A.S.). It is called Husnaa (the greatest good). No other good can surpass this good. Everyone having this good in his heart will remain safe on the Day of Qiyamah: Innal…Akbar (Surah Anbiyaa: 21, V: 101-104).
Translation: Verily those who will get the greatest from us in advance will remain far away from Hell. They will not even hear its humming and will always be enjoying their choice bounties. Even the terrible fright of Qiyamat will not trouble them. The Holy Prophet is reported to have said that: O Ali! You and Your Shias (followers) will remain in peace from the Faza-e-Akbar (the terrific fright). And this refers only to you.
The Absolute ‘Hasana (Good) Is The Wilayat Of Ali Bin Abi Talib
Similarly, the Hasanah which is the absolute good is the Love and friendship of Ali (A.S.) and the Aal (progeny) of Ali (A.S.). The Quran has given the promise that, on the Day of Resurrection, the one who will come with Hasanah will get the best reward and he will remain in peace from the fright of that Day: Man Jaa…Aaminoon (Surah Naml: 27, V: 89). Translation: The one who will do good will get a far better reward and these people will remain safe and in peace from the danger and fright of that Day.
In the tafsir (commentaries) of the Sunnis, such as Tafseer-e-Kashshaaf-e-Zamakhshari and Tafseer-e-Kabeer-e-Fakhre Raazi and Tafseer-e-Tha'labi and Tafseer-e-Rooh-ul-Bayan etc, it is mentioned that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) said that the one who dies with the love of and friendship with Aale Muhammad (A.S.) in his heart will die as a repentant and clean and when he will be raised from the grave he will enter the grand field of gathering (Mahshar) happily. He will neither feel frightened nor any uneasiness. Paradise will be decorated for him just as the bridal apartment is being adorned for the bride…(till the end of the lengthy narration). What I wanted to present was the part showing that the friends of Ali (A.S.) will be in peace in Qiyamah.
Precaution Or Preparation For The Future
The aim of this remembrance (admonition) is to create fear of Almighty God through these Holy verses and thereby to make ourselves ready for the events to come. So, make arrangements for protecting yourselves from the fears and frights about which you have read, for example, the three of four matters just mentioned.
Efforts For Betterment Of Future And Entanglement In Greed
All say that we should think and worry about the future and make preparations for it. It is true and wise. But what is regrettable is such a worrying way. They do not understand the reality. If we want to prepare for the future (Hereafter/life after death) what is the way to be safe there? Is it to deposit amounts in banks? Is the lifespan of fifty years (even less in some cases) so insignificant that man should spend this precious period and time of his life only for gathering wealth and then go away leaving it all here! This is sheer ignorance and non-sense. Is one to remain hungry materially after death so that he should collect more and more wealth and money)! How many people have you met who have died of hunger?
Yes, of course, if there is a famine, hunger may be one of the reasons for people's death which has been destined. But, in normal conditions, no one's future is in danger of starvation to death, however long his age. It is so because, God Almighty has guaranteed sustenance for everyone: Wa Fis Samaa…La Haqq (Surah Zariyat: 51, V: 22-23)
Translation: And your sustenance and whatever is promised to you is in the heaven (sky). So, by the Lord of the sky and the earth, this is quite true.
He provides sustenance to every animate being and He will continue to do so.
Wa Maa Min…Rizquhaa (S. Hood: 11, V: 6)
Translation: And there is none among those walking on earth whose sustenance is not for God to provide.
But, in the matter of Hereafter (after death) it is ordered, with emphasis and encouragement and warning also that every one must worry before reaching the dangerous place (Hereafter) and make advance arrangements for it. Man must try and make efforts so that he may not stand empty-handed in the grand gathering (for giving accounts) in Mahshar.
The True Savings Account Is With God
All of us say that God is Kareem (Bountiful and Generous). Quite true. But if we really consider Him bountiful then why do we not regard Him so in the worldly (material) matters. (Why do we make so much strenuous effort in worldly affairs, especially in the matter of sustenance)? This shows that what we say is not based on a real conviction. We are not truly convinced (beyond any doubt) that God is Bountiful (Kareem).
If you really and factually want to make arrangements for your future (after death) then you should open your 'Saving Accounts' with God. These prayers and expresses for the poor (sadaqat/khairaat/charity) are your savings which are being credited to your account with God and the Generous God protects it in a better way and also gives its better reward on the Day of Resurrection and even in this world also.
Wa Maa…Ajraa (Surah Muzzammil: 73, V: 20)
Translation: And whatever good deed you will present to God (for you) you will get its better reward with God.
The Lord of the Universe has, in the Holy Quran, told His Prophet (peace be upon him and his household): Warn My servants about the events of future (Hereafter). Now all of us know very well that all of us have to face a Day which will be full of hardships and dangers and anxieties.
Israfeel Will Blow In The Soor (Trumpet)
When God will intend to bring forth Resurrection, the first thing to happen will be the blowing of the Trumpet, as has been described earlier. God of the Universe says several times in the Holy Quran about this:
Wa Nu Fi Kha…Yanzuru (Surah Zumar: 39, V: 68).
Quranic verses, hadiths, and narrations show that there will be two blowings in Soor. First, when the trumpet will be blown all will die except those about whom God desires otherwise. Then the trumpet will be blown again which will cause all formers and latters to become alive. God says in the above quoted ayat: “When the Trumpet will be blown all in the earth and the sky will be destroyed except those whom God may want that they should not die. Then the Soor will be blown for the second time when all the formers and the latters will become and it will be Resurrection and all will stand staring.”
Four Favorite Angels And Their Responsibilities
The summary of this discussion is that there are four favorite or esteemed angels with God (Jibreel, Meekaaeel, Israafeel, and Izraeel). Each one of them has a separate and distinct responsibility or duty. Jibreel has to convey Divine Message (Vahee or Revelation) from God to Prophets and Messengers (A.S.). Meekaaeel has been entrusted with the responsibility of providing sustenance Izraeel is in charge of the work of collecting (snatching) of Rooh (Soul/life) and the job of Israfeel is to blow in the Trumpet at the time of Qiyamat. He is ready to carry out his work with the Soor in his hands, waiting for Divine Command. (As has been mentioned in narrations) when Almighty God will order him, he will come down to the earth from the sky and (and do his duty).
Noise In Skies At The Thought Of Qiyamah
When Israafeel will proceed from the sky, those in the sky will tremble with fear. When he reaches the earth and reaches the Holy House, stand opposite the wall of Kaaba and announce through Trumpet: Mootoo (Die all of you). Then no living thing will survive. There will be none who will not breathe his or her last. T is mentioned in narrations that at that time many people will be busy in markets. They will die then and there. No one will get any respite even to make his will or to return to his home. So the Lord of the Universe says: in the Holy Quran: Fa Laa…Yarjioon (Surah YaSeen: 50) Translation: Then they will not be able to make will nor to return to their family members.
Then will come the Divine Command that the Trumpet should be blown towards those who are in the sky. So (Israafeel will do so). No one in the skies will remain alive. Then Israafeel will be commanded: You too should die. So he also will be no more.
Only God Will Be There
Li Man…Qahhaar (Surah Momin: 40, V: 16) Then a voice will be heard: O Revolters! O Traitors! O Arrogants! O those who were always shouting 'I'! Where are you now? Tell whose kingdom and rule prevails today?” No one will reply. Then again a Voice will be heard: Today rule and kingdom belongs only to Allah, the Only One, the Almighty. A period of time will pass after the blowing of the first Trumpet. Then will come the blow which will make everyone alive. Then will be the Day of Resurrection (Qiyamah).
* The Hereafter - Ma'ad. Chapter 3. By Ayatullah Dastghaib Shiraazi (q.s.).