
Benefits from an Occult Imam (part 1)

Imam Mahdi

Whenever the discussion of occultation crops up, queries of various kinds invade the minds of the people. The most common among...

Whenever the discussion of occultation crops up, queries of various kinds invade the minds of the people. The most common among them being as to what is the benefit of an Imam who is in occultation? In other words, what is the purpose of having a leader with whom neither we can come in contact nor meet?

In this article, we shall attempt to convey to our readers the answer to the query and make people realize as to how can one derive advantages from an Imam during occultation.

Benefits during Occultation

The root of this question lies in the fact that die criteria for measuring the benefits of a particular thing are relative, artificial and man made. In other words, if something is apparently useful and profitable for him, it is beneficial, not otherwise.

Such queries are raised because we do not seem to obtain any apparent benefit from Imam Mahdi (a.s.) during his occultation.

Although, it is a genuine problem, yet we must know that if we are not receiving from Imam (a.s.), it is due to our own short-comings. Our laziness and defects may have closed the gates of beneficence for us.

Criteria of Utilitarianism

Before the questions are answered, it will not be out of place to ask that is it necessary that Allah should create only that thing which is of utility to other creatures or rather only its existence is enough for itself? Consequently, other creatures would claim that since man is not beneficial for them then his existence is not required.

The prophets came, propagated religion and departed from this world. What we were they for use in our existence to the prophets? The Almighty Allah did not send the prophet and messengers to serve our purpose. He had sent them to complete his proof.

He sent them to achieve a sublime position by withstanding difficulties in the way of propagation. May be it is because of this, that whenever the people offered to recompense them for their efforts, they replied, (I do not seek any reward from you. My reward is with Allah.) (Holy Quran). Thus, they never expected any encouragement or praise from the people nor did they despair on account of the people's apathy.

Hence, when we are not the criterion to determine the utility of a particular thing and the prophets were not sent to serve our purpose, we cannot, in the first place, question the benefits of the Imam (a.s.) existence during occultation.

Survival of the Universe

Putting our personal interests aside, we can consider the benefits and advantages of the Imam's (a.s.) existence. At this point it must be known that utility of each entity depends upon its individual capacity. The beggar and the king can never be equal. The Prophets and the Imam (a.s.) are the proofs of Allah upon this earth. The universe continues to exist because of their presence. Today, the proof of Allah upon earth is Hazrat Imam-e-Zamana (a.s.). He is the pivot and the center of the universe. It survives because he exists. He is the Imam of the whole universe and that is why every particle of the universe acknowledges his presence. A tradition from Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (a.s.) says:

"Had the earth been without an Imam, it would sink, swallowing its inhabitants." (Al-Kafi, vol, 1, p, 179).

Another report states:

"The proof was prior to creation, it is with creation and shall continue to exist after the creation has perished" (Al Kafi Vol. 1, p. 177).

The same concept has come in an invocation, "Imam is the one whose continued existence is the cause of the universe's survival. Sustenance descends due to his presence. The earth and the heavens survive due to his existence." (Mafaatihul Jinaan, Dua-e-Adeelah) Thus if the earth and the heavens exist, it is only because of Imam (a.s.)'s presence. We live and continue to receive sustenance due to him. Every living being in the world owes its existence to his presence. These are the consequences of the existence of Imam (a.s.). The central factor is the existence of Imam (a.s.) which neither depends upon his reappearance nor occupation. Whether apparent or concealed, he is the pivot of the universe. How meaningful are the following sentence of Ziarat Jameah:

"Allah initiated the creation for your sake and will terminate it with you. Rain descends for your sake and due to your existence, the sky is prevented from crashing to the earth. Only through your mediation are our sorrows and griefs dispelled." (Mafaatihul Jinan)

The question however remains as to how can we derive benefit from Imam (a.s.) during his occultation? The question is as ancient as the phenomenon of occultation.

Sun Behind the Clouds

Explaining the following Quranic verse,

(O those who believe! Obey Allah and Obey the Messenger and those who have authority amongst you), the Holy Prophet (s.a.) said to Jabir Ibn Abdullah Ansari,

"They will go into occultation from their partisans and followers. (And then) only those whose hearts have been tested for faith by Allah shall remain steadfast on their Imamate (and those with weak faith shall deviate)."

At this point Jabir ibne Abdullah (r.a.) inquired, "O Messenger of Allah, would his partisans attain benefit from him while he is in occultation?" The Holy Prophet (s.a.) replied, "By the One who has sent me as a Prophet, people will receive light from his splendor and benefit from his guardianship during his occultation just like they benefit from the sun when it hides behind the clouds." (Kamaaluddin by Shaykh Sadooq, p. 253)

* Source: imamalmahdi.com

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