
The Necessity of Mobilizing System


The paradox exists as it is operating in a society where world tyrants' interests are conflicting with the basic needs of abased people. It may cost..

The Necessity of Mobilizing System

Mobilizing Benefits

The benefits of the mobilizing system are reflected in two processes:
1. Defending of the nation
2. Reserving national achievements

The paradox exists as it is operating in a society where world tyrants’ interests are conflicting with the basic needs of abased people. It may cost these tyrants genocide in order to snatch national resources; yet they don’t get satisfied; moreover, they seek abolishing national identity and transforming people into being ‘sincere servants’ who work on having their tyrant interests guaranteed even on the behalf of the overall national glory, dignity, identity and existence.

And when a great revolution like the one led by Imam Al-Khomeini succeeds in restoring national resources, properties and rights back, tyrants will not stay calm, but they will rather confront this nation and do their best to drive it to surrender in any oppressing way possible and available. Amid such a situation, it is thus necessary to alert and mobilize the entire nation along with its overall capacities to confront such oppression as Prophet Muhammad, May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him and his Household, states when Imam Ali, “Peace be upon him” fought against Omar Bin Al-As:

“The whole faith has been demonstrated against the whole polytheism”.

The role of the mobilizing system is crucial in the confrontation of tyrants’ military challenges that have targeted the revolution since it was launched.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: “I want to say that the first military and armed organization of the revolution has emerged from within the mobilizing system. The mobilizing troops have been able to perform the greatest tasks in different fields during the war; otherwise, war aftermath would definitely have been something else”.

Therefore the mobilizing system is the first front and the strongest in the confrontation of rival challenges. It has left historical and remarkable achievements throughout its Jihad and sacrifice defending this Ummah.

Again, Imam Al-Khamenei addresses mobilizing troops:
“The history of this Ummah has been built by the sacrifice you paid on the fronts; without your presence in those trenches, we would have never heard about Islam, the Islamic system and Imam Al-Khomeini’s name in this country.

Now, we dare saying that without the active presence of the mobilizing troops including men and women who have fled from their houses, schools, manufactures, and administrations in cities and villages, and practically taking the initiatives to fill the gaps in all of the fields upon requests and needs, we would not have been able to defend our homeland properly all over the time of war or to manage of the conflict, which is still ongoing. It is the mobilizing troops who have provided us with this great power”.

In addition to its historical role in the past, it is the mobilizing system where hope in the future is embedded.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: “Trust the fact that if America and world materialistic powers get united all together to defeat this Islamic system, -I swear by Almighty Allah- they will not be able with the presence of the faithful troops of the mobilizing system”.
As long as the mobilizing system is reserving the Islamic and Husseiny spirit, summarized in the term of faith, America will not be able to defeat this system. This is how it has been; and this is how it will stay.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: “Originally, thanks to mobilizing troops for what they have done during the imposed war and even before and after this period of time”.

This explains oppressors’ hatred and informational tricks against this system to distort its image. They attempt at dragging people to mistrust it and think about it as a useless weapon that would consequently be ‘abandoned; but because of the impossibility of defeating a nation having such mobilizing sense, the enemies, which are hunting for chances, desire that a nation would make its own decision, put down this sense and become disarmed in front of them.

“Mobilizing system bears the basic task in defending the revolution; the opponent attack targets the armor of the revolution- this explains how the mobilizing system is being face to face against any potential danger”.

Mobilizing - Leader

Islamic leaders are distinguished for not being autocratically imposed or post-seeker. Besides that, the very Islamic rule is not classy in a way that it could only be accessed by a certain category of people. The legal ruler is always from within the nation, his birth, early life, movement and Jihad and the way he rules are always publicly-originated.

Institutions are important in Islamic governance but their presence does not prevent the direct relation between the leader and the public or the public embrace of their leader. Thus, in this sense, Islamic institutions are not walls but rather activating means and channels.

According to this understanding, the mobilizing system is an expression of the direct connection between the leader and the public; it is practically the leader’s eyes and hands that can record the general interests of Muslims and gradually establish the fundamentals of Islam.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: “The day the connection between the mobilizing system and the central leadership of the country gets well-fixed, then we have the capacity by which the Islamic Republic establishes its fundamentals day after another and get properly developed”.

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