
What is Mobilizing?


“In general, mobilizing stream is a movement that has emerged from the heart of the public, specially the youths its members enjoy high spiritual...

What is Mobilizing?

Public Movement

Imam Al-Khamenei says: “In general, mobilizing stream is a movement that has emerged from the heart of the public, specially the youths; its members enjoy high spiritual level; their hearts are entirely with Allah. It is emerging from the public who is fully aware of any deviation and thus fights it. This is the meaning of mobilizing”.

Mobilizing is a Muslim public movement so that it activates the role of the entire public in its observance of the ongoing events; it demonstrates the basic public presence in confrontation of any dangers that may surround the whole Ummah, in general, and the great Islamic Revolution, in particular. This is what Imam Al-Khamenei points out to:

“It is not like any other military system; it is emerging from the energetic heart of the public and all of the faithful people; it is the truth that is reflecting its light all over the country; it also plays a decisive role in determining the public stances”.
It is even presented in the utmost dangerous situations that may require sacrifice of one’s own life as in military Jihad or war situations in order to get the pure Islamic goals achieved.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: “Mobilizing stream is a power presented in the public domain and the various administrational, social, educational and manufacturing departments, as well. Its troops and individuals demonstrate the public military presence, which is extremely important, but not as military as that of the army or the Revolutionary Guard, yet it is well-trained on fighting tactics and always ready to back up the homeland upon request, at that moment, the mobilizing troops and members may bear the greatest responsibility!”.

Mobilizing Massiveness

Mobilizing system does not embrace the elite; it is not either a classy or categorized-based structure. It rather embraces the different categories of the public. It is the most massive and the deepest movement that is able to reach every category of this Ummah: men, women, youths and the olds, as well. It is a sort of culture and presence that should be enjoyed by every sincere active person just for the sake of Allah.
Imam Al-Khamenei says:

“The mobilizing system embeds the culture that we wish to be indorsed by our entire nation; i.e. everyone should be a mobilizing member. This is a must. Together the government system and all of the officials must have the mobilizing spirit and sense; all praise belongs to Allah, so they are, and most of them enjoy this culture and movement along with its ideas' '.

Contently, it is massive; but dimensionally, it is inclusive with respect to the issues it confronts. It takes the initiative of many cultural and social activities.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: “Mobilizing system has a presence everywhere; it takes the initiatives of many activities through which it demonstrates its familiar spiritual powers. And so it should be”.

Not Timing

Militarily, the mobilizing system succeeded in the attraction of people in wartime; but, a question might arise asking about its role when peace and truce prevail over some fronts: Is this system of any need during peaceful time?

Imam Al-Khamenei answers: “It has been attempted by many to hint that the mobilizing system’s role finishes as war does. Actually, this is a satanic inspiration. I say that the mobilizing system is not an issue that has the potential to go over. On the contrary, it is a sort of system that has to undergo increasing development and get stronger day after another”.

Its activity is not related to any specific time or place of confrontation, but rather its cultural, spiritual and public nature gains its presence essentiality and inclusiveness.

Imam Al-Khamenei addresses mobilizing members as saying: “Don’t ever think that the revolution has been over; no at all, it’s like a volcano that knows no rest; it is even like a river that dries out if not linked to its head”.

It is essential in all times but the success of its continuity and presence depends merely on having sincere intentions relying on Allah. This is what Imam Al-Khamenei points out to:

“It is only through dependence on Allah and being attached to Him that movement of mobilizing will become lasting and continuous; otherwise, it would be no more than a temporary reaction or a sparkling blink for a while but then it would vanish”.

Mobilizing Structure

Does a mobilizing system require more freedom or more organization for being deep in structure and inclusive in nature?

Imam Al-Khamenei answers: “All praise belongs to Allah Almighty, the mobilizing system has been established as an organized system and that’s how it is now and should stay forever: a foundation and a power”.

Moreover, Imam Al-Khamenei even assigns the task of organizing the mobilizing body to another large and significant system: Revolutionary Guard.

“I’ve recommended that Revolutionary Guard troops be dealing seriously with mobilizing the system, managing and organizing it. It’s almost half of the responsibility of the RG to do so”.

The real and correct organization of the mobilizing system requires to be based upon education, sciences and hard effort. But the wider the scope of mass categories it embraces the more complex its organization becomes.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: “The officials of the mobilizing system should take organization into their extreme significant consideration; organization is the basic and all of the education, work and intellectual process become fruitful within the framework of organization”.

Culture Scope

In addition to being organized and working on practically filling the gaps in different fields, mobilizing system is before anything else a cultural movement raises awareness and refreshes the Islamic sense among the public in order to keep the entire ummah always prepared at psychological, cultural and logistic level; in doing so, it is fulfilling a sacred role in serving and defending Islam in a fruitful and correct manner.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: “Actually, besides being a cultural movement, the mobilizing system manifests a culture by itself. It is logical, intellectual, fundamental and deep truth”.

It is derived from the original Islamic culture of braveness and enthusiasm as well as independence especially in dangerous times.
Imam Al-Khamenei says:

“The culture of the individuals of the mobilizing system is spiritual; it connotes braveness, enthusiasm, independence, freedom so that it avoids being captured by mean chains”.

These characteristics are resulted due to being connected to Allah, and the school of Ahlu Al Bayt, “peace be upon them” in worshiping Allah and reciting supplications to Him. One of these supplications is the one that Imam Ali has taught to his companion “Kumail” and thus become known as the supplication of “Kumail”; in addition to that, there is the book that compiles the whole collection of the supplications of Imam Ali Bin Al-Hussein “nicknamed As-Sajad” “Peace be upon him” (i.e. for prostrating on his front head for so long time in a worshiping position) and thus known as “Al-Sahifah As-Sajadiyah” “pease be upon them”.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: “The characteristics of our mobilizing troops have been reserved due to their own relation with Almighty Allah, Ahlu al-Bayt, “peace be upon them” and the spirituality that is gained through reciting supplications, especially “Kumail’s”, and performing Friday’s collective prayer. These characteristics are not found in other places, so you have to keep all of these characteristics reserved”.

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