
Lineage Of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)

Imam Mahdi

Certainly, Ali Ibne Abi Talib Alaihis salaam is the Imam of my ummat and my vicegerent upon...

The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) said,

"Al Mahdi is from us, Ahlul Bayt." (Sunan Ibne Majah .VoL2 Pg.23, Al Mustadrak Vol. 4 Pg. 557)

The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) said,

"Certainly, Ali Ibne Abi Talib Alaihis salaam is the Imam of my ummat and my vicegerent upon them after me. And of his sons is Al Qaem, Al Montazar. One, through whom Allah will fill the earth will justice and equity like it would have been filled with injustice and tyranny." (Kamaaluddin Vol.1 Pg.288. Faraidus simtain Vol.2 Pg. 335/336)

"Al Mahdi is from the sons of Fatima." (Sunan Ibne Majah Vol.2 Pg.24)

Huzaifa says The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) has said,

"Even if one day remains for this world (to come to an end) Allah will prolong that day until he sends a man from my progeny (sons). His name shall be (like) my name." Salman asked, "From which of your sons, O Prophet of Allah?" He (peace be upon him and his household) replied, "From this son of mine", and thumped his hands upon Hussein (A.S.)" (Zakhaerul Uqba Pg.136 & 137: Faraidus Simtain Vol.2 Pg.326)

A Jew, named Nathal asked the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household), "Inform me as to who is your successor? Because every Prophet had a successor and our Prophet Musa Ibne Imran (A.S.) had designated Yusha Bin Nun as his successor."

The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) replied, "Yes my Vasi and the caliph after me is Ali bin Abi Talib and after him my grandsons Hasan and Hussein, followed by nine of the offsprings of Hussein. They are the holy Imams."

The Jew said, "O Mohammad, tell me their names."

'Yes,' said the Prophet (peace be upon him and his household), "When Hussein will pass away, then his son Ali, and after Ali his son Mohammad and after Mohammad his son Jafar and after Jafar his son Musa and after Musa his son Ali and after Ali, his son Mohammad and after Mohammad his son Ali after Ali his son Hasan and after Hasan his son Hujjat Ibnul Hasan. These are the twelve Imams. Their number is equal to the chiefs of Bani Israel" (Faraidus Simtain Vol.2 Pg.133, Kifayatul Asar Pg.13 & 14. Yanabiul Mawaddah Pg. 441)

* FAZAILUL MAHDI (A.S.). Ali Akber Talafi. Translator : Syed Athar Hussein Rizvi. Al Qalam Translators & Writers Bureau

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