
The All-Set State


The attack that happens all of a sudden is the most dangerous one. That is why the Revolutionary Guard...

The All-Set State

The Spiritual Sides
1. Responsibility
2. Purifying the Soul
a. Patience and Steadfastness
b. Preventing Deviation
c. Reserving the Identity
d. Demonstrating the Brilliant Model
3. The Culture

The Physical Side
1. Developing Military Capabilities
2. Developing Fighting Skills
3. Quality Better than Quantity

Quality is
1. Proficiency
2. Determining the Details of the Task
3. The High Alertness

The Ability to Analyze
Avoid Involvement in Politics

The All-Set State

The attack that happens all of a sudden is the most dangerous one. That is why the Revolutionary Guard cannot wait until they see themselves in the middle of the attack to be- just at that time- all set or starting to be fully supplied with the equipment and the human resources they need. They must be rather all set in order to face any challenges suddenly imposed.

“The leaders of the Revolutionary Guard have to raise the degree of the quantity and the quality of the readiness and the capacities of this foundation. Keep studying until reaching the advanced levels. Be ready at all levels and in all of the different sides and fields.”

The Spiritual Sides

The different spiritual sides that require constant observation and training are:

1. Responsibility
First of all, a man has to be fully conscious and responsible of the affairs of the Muslims and the abused people worldwide. No matter how ready a man is, his readiness would turn to be useless if he were careless.

“Don’t ever lose the feeling of responsibility, for you are going to get higher responsibilities and get greater honor and glory day after day! Such honor and glory will be noticed by the people and observed by Allah, as well!”

2. Purifying the Soul
Purifying the soul and training it to be flowing in accordance with the Islamic concepts, values and disciplines is a basic factor of the readiness status. Imam Ali Al Khamenei makes such training and purification obligatory for everyone, especially those occupying leading posts.

“Every one of the leaders must consider that purifying the soul is an Islamic obligation. All of the members of the Revolutionary Guard must work on keeping their hearts faithful and their self-esteem and spirit at high levels. ”

This training and purification of the soul gain their importance for several reasons:

a. Patience and Steadfastness
Showing patience and steadfastness especially in the battle and the Jihad fields is highly valued.

“Every member of the Revolutionary Guard has to be fully equipped at spiritual and faithful level so that even if he were kept merely alone in the field of the battle or the Jihad confronting the world’s powers, he will stay steadfast… this is a must… and this depends on two factors: the knowledge and the faith.”

Yes, a man is able to face all of the world’s power and stay steadfast in the battle only if he purifies his soul and cuts all of the relations possible with the earthly life along with its attractions.

b. Preventing Falling or Deviation
“Don’t allow anything makes you absent in the Jihadi fields; even people who are considered as being 'the best' may be subjected to be falling down or deviating- all of the most pious or the well-guided, the wisest or the top scholars are also subjected to the danger of falling down. That is why, whatever post you are occupying, resort to Almighty Allah.”

c. Reserving the Identity
“Besides being all set at the military level, you have also to be all set at the spiritual and faithful level, too. This is the essence that distinguishes the Revolutionary Guard! We want all of our Revolutionary Guard members to be all set at these two levels. Reserve them. And let them develop and integrate with each other.”

d. Providing the Brilliant Model
“You have to support yourself at spiritual and scientific levels, as well. People are supposed to perceive you as the examples and the models of piety.”

Performing the night prayer is specifically mentioned as a basic factor in purifying the soul.

“Perform the night prayer with full presence of your hearts and minds; understand why you are performing every part of it.”

3. The Culture
“The members of the Revolutionary Guard have to reach a deep cultural level that is deep. You cannot be satisfied with the faithful motives or promoters. Studying and learning are essentials.”

Knowledge is able to get rid of weaknesses and thus prevent the enemies from making use of them.

“The officers of cultural departments at the Revolutionary Guard, you have to get the members of this body to be able to depend on logic and the power of the Islamic faith as they are confronting the conspiracies of the enemies. Today, you have to know what the Quran indicates and signals to. You have to know the deep Islamic sciences, so that you become widely educated. The officers have to make sure that the culture of the revolution is the dominating one over this body. What is most important is to possess religious knowledge in order to prevent any deviation or deceit. It is not enough that the officers and the leaders possess such knowledge; the members, also, have to do. It is not acceptable to have a good and trustee leader and members with any levels. This is not acceptable in the army of Islam. It is true that the officer has higher responsibilities, but everyone in the Revolutionary Guard has to possess religious knowledge, too.”

The Physical Side

Other points emphasized by Sayyid Ali Al Khaminei and are related to the readiness of the Revolutionary Guard at the physical side are:

4. Developing the Military Capabilities

The manufacturing of military equipment is always in progress today so that it supplies the increasing needs of accuracy, speed and operation with the least human (casualties) and financial cost possible. Such factors are critical in the battle; that’s why the Holy Qur’an commands: {Prepare against them whatever you can of [military] power and war-horses, awning thereby the enemy of Allah, and your enemy.}1

Sayyed Ali Al Khaminie says: “The Revolutionary Guard has to empower their structures, equipment, and fighting skills to the maximum.”

5. Developing the Fighting Skills
Human training must go on in harmony with the development of military equipment.

“You have to develop your fighting capacities; you have also to preserve, in the best way possible, the systematic and training atmosphere.”

6. Quality Better than Quantity
The concentration must always be directed toward increasing the qualifications of the troops- not their numbers.

“Intensive supply of a number of the brigades of the Revolutionary Guard with modern military equipment, ideology, and the deep and necessary political awareness is much better than having a large number of unqualified brigades. I think the Revolutionary Guard is obliged to get developed in terms of qualifications rather than the mere quantity.”

Quality is…
Quality is to concentrate on the additional traits listen below:

1. Proficiency
“The leader or the officer has to be aware of all the details related to the task he is performing.”

2. Determining the Details of the Task
“We cannot accept a leader who lacks the knowledge that is required to the post he is occupying and the task he is performing.”

3. The High Alertness
Observing the enemy, taking cautious tactics and setting the troops at high alert must be displayed constantly.

“The enemies always lie in wait, seizing the moment to launch their attack. The day you get oblivious to them, the day you receive their attacks.”

The Ability to Analyze

Military foundations along with their troops have to be able to analyze the contextual affairs and events and to predict the upcoming possible scenarios to avoid any rival attacks.

“During the complex time of the revolution, it happened that right and wrong got sometimes mixed together, exactly as Imam Ali, peace be upon him, describes the issue as he says: ‘a part is taken from this, another part is taken from that, and they get mixed, and then Satan dominates his followers.’ Thus, the Revolutionary Guard has to have a strong insight, and a strong political sense. Mistakes are different here, and any loss would be great, then.”

Political literacy is supposed to be a part of the intellectual and religious knowledge of everyone.

“Every person of the brothers in the Revolutionary Guard has to be religiously dutiful… Islamic scholastic for sure includes the knowledge of the political affairs; it does not only stand for praying and fasting or other worshiping deeds, for being able to distinguish what is right from what is wrong, and being able to analyze the current affairs is a part of the overall religious scholastic and practice.”

Avoid Involvement in Politics

It is supposed that the Revolutionary Guard be politically aware but without intervening or trying to make any influence especially on the level of the internal affairs.

“Imam Ruhu Allah Al Musawi Al Khomeini has warned the Revolutionary Guard against getting involved within any political party or movement; he even prevented them from doing so. The members of the Revolutionary Guard have to distance themselves from any political debate for such involvement would be a killing poison for any military foundation. Thus, it must be strongly avoided."

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