
Prayer of Imam Ali Naqi (pbut)

Prayers of Infallibles (pbut)

The prayer of Imam Ali Naqi (pbut) consists of two rakats. In the first rakat one should recite Sura...


Prayer of Imam Ali Naqi (pbuh)

The prayer of Imam Ali Naqi (pbuh) consists of two prostrations. In the first rakat one should recite Surah al Fatiha and Surah Yaseen and in the second rakat one should recite Surah al Fatiha and Surah Rahman. The following is the Supplication of the Imam (pbuh);

O The Foremost Beneficent! O Object of Love! O He Who sees every unseen! O He Who is near without being away from any other thing! O He Who always prevails but is never overpowered!

O He Whom no one knows how He is, except He! O He Whose authority no one can challenge!

I beseech Thee, O my Allah, in Thy name, well guarded, treasured, concealed, from whom Thou wills;

Pure, Purifier, Holy, Pure Noor, Ever living, Everlasting, Greatest,

Light of the heavens, and Light of the earths, Knower of the unseen, All-Aware, Highest, Sublime, Glorious! ‏

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