
Simat Supplication


Supplication Samat also known as Supplication Shubboor is recommended to be recited the last hour...

Simat Supplication

Supplication Simat also known as Supplication Shubboor is recommended to be recited in the last hour of Friday daytime. It goes without saying that it is amongst the well known Supplications. Most of the late scholars recited this Supplication. It can be found in the writing of Sheikh Toosi in his Misbah al Mutahajjid, Jamal al Usbou by Syed ibn Tawus, and in the writings of Sheikh Kafami. This Supplication was also narrated on the authority of Imam Mohammad Baqir (pbuh) and Imam Jafar Sadiq (pbuh). Allama Majlisi mentions it in his book “Biharul Anwar” along with its commentary. The following is the Supplication as cited by Sheikh Toosi in his “Misbah al Mutahajjid”.

O’ Allah! I beseech You through Your Name, the great, the most great,

the most majestic, the most magnificent and the most noble

If You are requested therewith to open the closed doors of the sky these will open with Your mercy.

If You are requested thereby to remove the narrowness of the doors of the earth, they will be opened wide.

If You are requested thereby to make the difficulty easier, it will be made easy.

If You are requested thereby to restore the dead to life, they will rise from their graves.

If You are requested thereby to remove misery and adversity, it will be removed

I beseech You through the Majesty of Your person,

the Most Generous

and the Most Honored One,

before Whom everybody bows down in submission

and all necks bend down in reverence

and all voices become humbled

and all hearts tremble; through His fear

and I beseech You through Your Might, which prevents the heaven from falling on the earth except with Your permission,

and which controls all the heavens and the earth so closely that they cannot move away from their positions;

and I beseech You through Your Will, which the whole world obeys,

and through Your Word. By which You have created the heaven and the earth,

and through Your Wisdom, with which You have created the wonders,

and with which You created Darkness

and made it Night, and made night the time of quiet and rest;

and with which You created Light and made it Day,

and made day the time of movement and observation;

and with which You have created the Sun,

and made the sun gleam

And with which You have created the Moon,

and made the moonlight;

and with which You have created heavenly bodies,

and made them fixed stars and planets,

and lamps for guidance at night, and as a means of decoration, and missiles for driving away devils,

and have created for them east and west,

and have created for them the places of ascendancy and orbits,

and created for them a firmament and sphere,

and fixed for them stages in the heaven

and how beautiful the stages

and shaped the stars and how beautiful the shapes

and made them stable through Your Name;

and from Your Wisdom You designed a system for them

and what a good system,

and controlled the heavenly bodies through the king of the night

and the king of day,

and through hours, making them a means for the reckoning of years and counting,

making the appearance of heavenly bodies regular and universal.

And I beseech You, O Allah, through Your Glory, with which You addressed Your slave and Your Messenger,

Moses son of Imran peace be on him,

while he was in the company of holy

Whose speech even the favorite angels could not ever hear,

above the clouds of light,

above the ark of the covenant,

within the pillar of fire

on Mount Sinai,

and on Mount Hurith

in the Sacred Valley

in the blessed spot

to the right of Taurus Mountain-through a tree;

and again addressed him on the soil of Egypt,

after showing nine clear signs

and on the day You split the sea for the Children of Israel,

and caused springs to flow from a stone, thereby displaying wonders of Your might

in a deep sea;

and on the day when You solidified the water of the sea in the midst of the storm,

and caused the Children of Israel to pass by it,

and fulfilled Your excellent promises made to them because of their calmly endurance,

and made them the inheritors of the East and the West in the earth,

wherein there are blessings for all the worlds;

and You drowned Pharaoh and his armies and boats in the water.

And I beseech You through Your name, which is the most great,

the most majestic, the most magnificent, the most noble;

and through Your glory, with which You revealed light to Musa, Your addressee, peace be on him, on Mount Sinai;

and earlier radiated the light for Ibraham, Your sincere friend peace be on him, in the mosque of al-Khayf;

and for Ishaq, Your chosen Prophet, peace be on him, in the well of shivay',

and for Your Prophet Yaqoub, peace be on him, in Bayt iil

and through Your Glory, with which You fulfilled Your promise to Ibraham, peace be on him;

and through Your Oath in favor of Ishaq;

and through Your witnessing favoring Yaqoub;

and through the fulfillments of Your promise to the believing:

and through Your Names with which You accepted the prayers of supplications;

and through Your Glory, which appeared to Musa, son of Imran, peace be upon him

in Qubbat al-Rumman;

and through Your Signs, which appeared on the soil of Egypt

with great might and victory,

بwith powerful signs

and with the display of full command

and great power;

and with the affair of the perfect word;

and with Your kalimat (words) with which You do a favor for the people of the heavens and the earth

and the people of this world and the hereafter;

and through Your Mercy with which You bestow upon all Your creatures:

and through Your Power with which You dominate the worlds;

and I beseech You through Your Noor, through fear of which Mount Sinai collapsed,

through Your Knowledge, and Your Greatness and Majesty, and Your Unique Magnificence and Your Honour and through Your might,

which the earth could not bear,

and, for which the heavens bent down,

and the great depths restrained themselves,

and the seas and rivers became stable,

and to which the mountains made submission,

and due to which the earth became firm on its shoulders,

and to which all creatures submitted,

and due to which the winds breathed,

and the flaming fires were extinguished in their places.

And I beseech You through Your might, through which You have been known to be All-powerful for ever and ever,

and for which You have been praised in the heavens and the earths;

and I beseech You through Your kalima (word), the Word of Truth, which became a blessing for our father Adam and his generation;

and I beseech You through Your kalima (word), by which You overcame everything;

and I beseech You through the Noor of Your Face, which when it flashed on Mount Sinai

crushed it to pieces,

whereby Musa fainted and fell down,

and through Your Glory, which appeared on Mount Sinai,

and through which You addressed Your slave and Your Messenger; Musa, son of 'Imran,

and through Your appearance in Sa'ir

and on Mount Faran

near Rabawat, which are clean and holy places,

when troops of heavenly angels were in rows,

and with the submissiveness of the angels praising You,

and with Your blessings with which You honored Ibraham, Your sincere friend, peace be upon him,

among the followers of Mohammad, Your blessings be upon Him and His Progeny

and You honored Ishaq, Your chosen prophet,

among the followers of Isa, peace be on them both,

and honored Yaqoub, Your favored slave,

among the followers of Musa, peace be on them both,

and honored Your beloved Mohammad, may the blessings of Allah be upon Him and His Progeny,

among His offspring and progeny, and His followers

O Allah! Just as we were absent and didn’t witness these manifestations of Your glory,

yet we believed in their truth and justice, without having been eyewitnesses,

So we beseech You to send Your blessings upon Mohammad (pbuh) and the Progeny of Mohammad (pbuh),

and honor Mohammad (pbuh) and the Progeny of Mohammad (pbuh),

and have mercy on Mohammad (pbuh) and the Progeny of Mohammad (pbuh),

with the blessings, honor, and mercy

you sent and bestowed on Ibraham and the progeny of Ibraham.

Surely You are Praiseworthy, Glorious,

the Doer of what You will.

You are Powerful over all things

Now one should express his legitimate desire and beseech Allah to fulfill it, then recite the following:

O’ Allah

O’ Compassionate, O’ Kind

O’ Original Designer of Heavens and Earth

O’ Lord of Glory and Honour

O’ most Merciful of all the merciful

O’ Allah, for the sake of this supplication,

and for the sake of these Names

which no one can interpret,

the hidden meaning of which no one other than Yourself knows.

Send Your blessing upon Mohammad (pbuh) and the Progeny of Mohammad (pbuh);

and do to me what suits You

and do not do to me what I deserve

and forgive my sins

past and future,

and increase Your lawful sustenance for me,

and save me from the subsistence of evil men,

evil neighbors,

evil companions,

and evil rulers

Verily You are able to do whatever You will,

and You are aware of all things.

Amen, O Lord of the worlds.

Al-Majlasi narrated from Sayed Ibn Baqi’s ‘Almusbah’ that one should say after reciting Simat Supplication:

O’ Allah For the sake of this supplication,

and for the sake of these Names

which no one can interpret,

the apparent and hidden meaning of which no one other than Your self knows.

Send Your blessing upon Mohammad (pbuh) and the Progeny of Mohammad (pbuh);

and give me the good of this world and the hereafter;

and do to me what suits You

and do not do to me what I deserve

and exact vengeance from …

Name your enemy then say:

and forgive my sins

past and future,

and forgive my parents

and all believing men and women,

and increase Your lawful sustenance for me,

and save me from the subsistence of evil men,

evil neighbors,

evil rulers,

evil companions,

and evil days

And evil hours,

and exact vengeance for me on everyone who hatches secret plots against me,

and on everyone who oppresses me

and seeks to do to me or my family

or my children or my brothers

or my neighbors or my relations among believing men and women.

seeks to do injustice

Verily You are able to do whatever You will,

and You are aware of all things.

Amen, O Lord of the worlds.

O Allah! For the sake of this supplication,

grant wealth and affluence to the needy believing men and women,

and recovery and sound health to the sick believing men and women,

and bliss and clemency to the living believing men and women,

and remit the sins of, and have mercy on, the deceased believing men and women,

and arrange the return home of all believing travelers with safety and gain.

Through Your mercy, O Most Merciful of all the merciful.

May Allah's blessings be upon our master Mohammad (pbuh), the seal of the prophets,

and His Pure Progeny.

and His peace be upon Them plentifully

Sheikh Ibn Fahad narrates that it is recommended after reciting Simat Supplication to recite the following:

O’ Allah I ask you for the sake of this supplication

and what was mentioned in it from names

and what it contains from meanings and design

which none other than You comprehends fully

that you do to me …

and mention your legitimate desires

Just before sunset on Friday say "Subhaanaka laa ilaaha illaa anta yaa hannaanu yaa mannaanu yaa badeeussamaawaati wal ard yaa dal jalaali wal ikraam”

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