
Practices of Performing Ziyarat


One should fast for 3 days prior to leaving for ziyarat. Try to choose Saturday, Tuesday, or Thursday...

Practices of Performing Ziyarah

Rituals of Traveling

One should fast for 3 days prior to leaving for ziyarah. Try to choose Saturday, Tuesday, or Thursday for taking a trip and avoid traveling on Monday and Wednesday, as well as Friday forenoon. Also there are seven days during a month that are considered to be inauspicious; avoid them if at all possible; they are the third, fifth, eighth, thirteenth, sixteenth, twenty-first, twenty-fourth, and twenty-fifth.

According to some hadith, taking a trip on the 21st is good, but not on the 8th and 23rd. Also, do not travel on the last day of the lunar month and when the mansion of the moon confronts the Scorpio.

If it is necessary to travel on these days, one should recite the supplication of the journey, and give alms (sadaqah); then he should go on a journey anytime. It has been related that one of the companions of Imam Baqir (pbuh) wanted to go on a journey. So he came to the Imam (pbuh) to bid farewell.

The Imam (pbuh) stated, "When my father Ali (pbuh) ibn al-Hussein (pbuh) wanted to go to his estates, he bought his safety from Allah before putting his foot in the stirrup; that is, by giving alms to the extent he could afford. When he came back, he thanked Allah and again he gave alms to the extent he could afford."

The man bade farewell and left, but did not follow the Imam (pbuh)'s instructions, so he perished in that journey. When the Imam (pbuh) was informed about the matter said, "This man was advised. I wish he had accepted."

On the day of departure for ziyarah, one should perform ghusl and then summon his family members. Recite 2 rakat prayers and ask Allah for blessing. Then recite blessings upon Mohammad (pbuh) and the family of Mohammad (pbuh) (salawat) and Ayatul Kursi.

Then the following Supplication should be recited:

Allah, as a trust, I, today, give myself, my family, my property, and my children in Your protection. And those who are doing the same as I am doing, regardless if they are traveling with me or separate from me

O Allah, protect us along with our iman (faith), and keep a watch over us.

O Allah let us remain covered by Your mercy, do not withdraw Your favors from us as we are anxiously longing for Thee.

O Allah, we seek refuge with You from the hardships of the journey, and sad return

and from having to see any difficulties fall upon our family, property and children, in this world and in the Hereafter.

O Allah, I direct myself towards You in this journey for obtaining Your pleasure and for seeking Your nearness,

O Allah, therefore, let me accomplish that which I desire and expect from You and Your Awliya (friends), O the Most Merciful of all who show mercy!

Stand in the doorway of your house and recite the tasbih of Syeda Fatima Zahraa (sa). Then recite the surah of al-Fatihah to three directions: once while you are looking forward, and once while turning your face towards the right and once while turning your face to the left; likewise, recite Ayat al-Kursi once towards any of the three directions.

Then recite the following:

O Allah I turn my attention towards Thee and leave under Your care my family and property and that which Thou hast bestowed on me. I have full confidence in Thee.

So do not disappoint me, O He who does not let anyone suffer a loss when one turns to Him, nor let anything go waste when it is given under His care.

O Allah send blessings on Mohammad (pbuh) and on the Progeny of Mohammad (pbuh), and take care of me for as long as I am far from my home; and do not leave me alone on my own, O the Most Merciful of all who show mercy.

Then recite the surah of al-Tawhid (Ikhlass) eleven times, and the surah of al-Qadr, Ayat al-Kursi , the surahs of al-Falaq and al-Nas once each.

Then run your palm over your entire body, give alms (sadaqah) to the extent you can afford and recite:

O Allah, I bargain for, through these alms, peace and security for me, my journey, and for that which is with me.

O Allah protect me, and protect that which is with me; keep me and that which is with me in sound condition; and make me and that which is with me reach Thy good and beautiful destination.

Imam Ali (pbuh) ibn al-Hussein (pbuh) was quoted as saying, "As long as I say these words, I am not in fear of anything even if jinn and mankind gather together to harm me."

In the name of Allah, for the sake of Allah, from Allah, unto Allah, and in the way of Allah,

O Allah, I surrender myself to Thee, I turn my attention towards Thee, I entrust my affairs to Thee,
therefore, protect me by keeping intact my faith, from all sides--front, back, right, left, above, below;

and defend me with Thy strategy and power, because there is no strategy, nor power save with Allah, Most High Most Great (Aliul Azeem).

Practices of performing ziyarah to the shrines of the Imams (pbuh)

First: Be sure to say "In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful" (Bismillahir rahmanir rahim) when riding, for it is appropriate.

Second: One should take care of his money and keep it in a safe place during the journey, for it has been related that taking care of one's money during travel is of the manners of journey.

Third: One should help his friends during the journey and should not withhold to serve them; he should meet their needs so that Allah keeps him away from seventy-three heartaches, keeps him safe from grief and difficulty in this world, and removes the awful sorrow from him on the day of Resurrection. It has been narrated that Imam Ali (pbuh) ibn al-Hussein (pbuh) traveled just with those who did not know him in order that he could help them because they would not let him if they knew him. Concerning the good manners of RasoolAllah (pbuh) it has been narrated that once he was going on a journey together with his companions. When they were going to slaughter a sheep, everybody chose a job to do. One said, "Well, I'll slaughter it." Someone else said, "I will fly it." Another said, "I will cook it." RasoolAllah (pbuh) said, "Ok, and I will gather firewood." The companions said, "O Rasool Allah (pbuh)! We ourselves will do it." He stated, "I know but I do not like you to discriminate in favor of me because Allah, the Exalted dislikes to see His servant prefers himself to his friends."

It is worth mentioning that during the journey the most unpleasant person from his co-travelers' view is he who is lazy, and expecting others to do his affairs, he remains idle whereas he is in rude health.

Fourth: One should accompany those who are as generous as he is.

Fifth: One should not drink water from any station unless he blends it with the water taken from the previous station. The traveler had better take a bit of earth from his homeland, where he has grown up. When he arrives at any station, he should pour a bit of that earth into the glass of his drinking water and shake it. When the earth settles he should drink the water.
Sixth: One should behave affably and patiently.

Seventh: One should take provisions for his journey. Among the virtues of man is taking generous provision for his journey, especially for hajj. However, it is not appropriate to take delicious foods such as grilled meat or chicken, sweetmeat, etc while performing ziyarah to the shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh).

Eighth: It has been highly emphasized that during journey one should say his obligatory prayer in its prescribed time considering the due conditions because many a time it is witnessed that some pilgrims to hajj or holy shrines spoil their obligatory prayers; either they do not say them in the prescribed time or they say their prayer, while being mounted or on a howdah, or while their body or clothes is impure (najis), or with performing dry ablution (tayammum) and the like. All these stem from remissness in and making light of the status of prayers. Whereas, Imam Sadiq (pbuh) was quoted as saying, "An obligatory prayer is better than 20 times of hajj pilgrimage, while a hajj pilgrimage is better than a house full of gold given as alms (sadaqah) until it finishes."

Be sure to repeat the following thirty times after the shortened prayers:

Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, Allah is the greatest

Some advices for females who are performing ziyarah

He has also added, "When ladies are going to perform ziyarah, they should be isolated from men. It would be preferable for them to perform ziyarah at night. They should change their clothes, i.e. they should wear plain dress so that nobody can know them, and they can come out secretly. It is, however, permissible- even though it is makrooh- for ladies to perform ziyarah with men.

Author's note: These sentences show the indecency of what has nowadays become prevalent in performing ziyarah by ladies; they make up themselves, and wear nice clothes, leave their houses under the name of going on ziyarah, while their bodies touch and push non-mahram men's bodies. Some of them cling to the burial chamber; as a result, men cannot do so. In order to recite ziyarah some of them sit in front of those who are saying prayer, supplicating, etc and prevent them from focusing their attention on the prayer, supplication, etc. In fact, they are counted among those who hinder from Allah's way; and this ziyarah with these characteristics not only is not worshiping but also it is a sinful act

It has been mentioned in Man La Yazherul Faqih that Asbagh ibn Nubatah quoted Moula Ali (pbuh) as saying, "In the end of Times - which is the worst time - and when the Hour of Judgment is nigh, some women are dressed while being naked and make a dazzling display while performing the religion and are involved in evils, inclined to lust, and hasten to do the pleasures, deem the unlawful acts as lawful, and will be amongst those dwelling in the hell forever."

Rewards for ziyarah to the shrines of Rasool Allah (pbuhh) and the Holy Imams (pbuh)

It is worth mentioning that for the populace especially hajj pilgrims it is highly recommended to go on pilgrimage to the holy shrine, and the magnificent chamber of the pride of the world, the master of the messengers, Mohammad ibn Abdullah - may Allah grant His blessings upon him and his progeny. Negligence of making ziyarah to his shrine will be unkindness to him on the Day of Judgment.

Sheikh Saduq has quoted from Imam Sadiq (pbuh) who said, "When one of you performs hajj, he/she should end it by making ziyarah to Our shrines, for this practice is required for the hajj to become perfect."

He also has quoted from Imam Ali (pbuh) who said, "Complete your hajj by going on ziyarah of the shrine of Prophet Mohammad (pbuhh) because neglecting this after performing hajj is regarded as unkindness and impoliteness. You have been enjoined to do this. Go on ziyarah to those shrines that Allah has made it obligatory to visit them and to observe their rights; so ask Allah, the Exalted, for your daily bread beside those shrines."

Sheikh Saduq has quoted from Abu'l-Salt Hirawi that he had asked Imam Rida (pbuh), "O' son of Rasool Allah (pbuh)! What is your opinion about the hadith which says in Paradise the mo’min (the faithful) will visit their Lord from their dwellings?"

Abu'l Salt implicitly wanted to ask if the hadith itself was reliable while it entailed what seems not to correspond with true belief?

The Imam (pbuh) replied, "O' Abu'l Salt! Almighty Allah exalted His Apostle over all His creation including the messengers and angels. So Allah has counted the obedience to the Prophet (pbuhh) as the obedience to Allah Himself, swearing allegiance to the Prophet (pbuhh) is the same as swearing allegiance to Allah Himself, and visiting the Prophet (pbuhh) is the same as visiting Allah Himself. As Allah has stated, ﴾He who obeys the Apostle, indeed obeys Allah﴿ (Sura 4 ayat 80), and ﴾Verily those who swear their allegiance to thee do not less than swear their allegiance to Allah; the Hand of Allah is above their hands﴿ (Surah al Fath ayat 10).

Rasool Allah (pbuh) has said, "Whoever visits me – regardless if it is while I am still in this world or after My departure- is like he who has visited Allah. On the Day of Judgment I will intercede for he who visits me, regardless if it is while I am still in this world or after My departure."

Rewards for performing the ziyarah of Imam Hussein (pbuh)

Know that the rewards of performing the ziyarah of the shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh) are beyond the scope of expression. According to many hadiths, it equals major hajj, minor hajj (`umrah), and jihad; rather it is much better and preferable from the aspect of rewards. It leads to forgiveness, lessening the reckoning in the hereafter, promotion of ranks, and fulfillment of needs. Also it brings long life; it causes body to be preserved, property to be protected, daily bread to be increased, needs to be met, and grief to be relieved. If one neglects this, his faith will be weakened, and a great right of Rasool Allah (pbuhh) will be trampled on.

The least reward given to the pilgrim of that holy grave is forgiveness of sin. Also Allah the Exalted preserves his life and protects his property until He brings him home. Allah will protect him in the hereafter more than in this world.

Going on the ziyarah to the shrine of the Imam (pbuh), according to many hadiths, relieves the grief, and removes agonies of death and horror of grave. Besides, any amount of money spent in this way will be counted one thousand times rather ten thousand times.

When a pilgrim goes towards the Imam (pbuh)'s tomb, four thousand angels will welcome him, and when he goes back they will see him off. The Prophets and their successors, the Masoom Imams (pbuh), and the angels (peace be upon them all) perform ziyarah to the shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh), and pray to Allah for the pilgrims; they also give them good-tidings. Furthermore, Allah the Exalted will look upon Imam Hussein (pbuh)’s pilgrims more mercifully than upon those who go to `Arafat. So in the hereafter, everybody wishes he were of his pilgrims due to the greatness of the Imams (pbuh) and their great generosity and magnanimity.

There are numerous hadiths in this regard; among Particular ziyarahs some rewards of pilgrimage to the Imam (pbuh) will be mentioned. Just a single hadith is mentioned herein: Through reliable chains of narrators ibn Qoulawayh, Shaykh Kulayni and Sayyid ibn Tawus all have quoted Mu`awiyah ibn Wahab Bijilli Kufi as saying,

"Once I had the honor to visit Imam Sadiq (pbuh); I saw him saying prayer in his prayer place. I sat waiting until he got through with his prayer. Then I heard him supplicating to his Lord saying

"O You Who granted us Your special Grace and promised us the intercession authority and conferred on us knowledge of the prophethood, appointed us as heirs of the prophets, and ended the previous communities to us, appointed us exclusively as successors of Rasool Allah (pbuhh), conferred the knowledge of the past and the future, and made the hearts of the people inclined to us, forgive me and my momin brothers and the pilgrims to the shrine of my father, Imam Hussein (pbuh) ibn Ali (pbuh); those who spend their money, and set out due to their desire to do good to us and due to the hope of Your rewards for their connection with us and for gladdening Your Prophet (pbuhh) and for their answer to our order and because they angered our enemies for Your Pleasure. So kindly grant them Your Satisfaction on our behalf, and preserve them all the times, day and night, and be their good successor in their household members, and be their friend, and dispel the evil of any tyrants and any enemies and any weak or strong evil creatures and the evil of the devils including jinn and mankind. O Allah kindly gift them more than what they expect for being away from their homelands and for they preferred us prior to their household members, families and relatives. O Allah although our foes blamed them for they set out to make ziyarah to us, their blame could not prevent them from leaving their homes. So have mercy upon those sunburned faces and those cheeks laid and rubbed on the holy grave of Imam Hussein (pbuh) and those eyes that shed tears for feeling pity for us, and have mercy upon the hearts complained hard and wailed for our tragedy. O' Allah I entrusted them to you to quench their thirst from Kawthar Pond on the Day of thirst."

He constantly supplicated this way in prostration (sujoud). I told him, "You observed such a supplication that even if someone who did not believe in Allah performed it, I supposed that the hellfire would never touch him; I wished by Allah, I had made ziyarah to the shrine that Imam (pbuh) instead of performing hajj."

Imam (pbuh) said, "O Mu`awiyah! You are so close to his shrine; what prevents you from making ziyarah to him? Don't be neglectful of it."

"May I be sacrificed to you! I did not know that it has such great virtues," I replied.

The Imam (pbuh) said, "O Mu`awiyah! Those who pray for Imam Hussein (pbuh)’s pilgrims in the heavens are more than those on the earth. Do not neglect this ziyarah due to dread of anyone, for if someone does so, he will begrudge so much that he longs to stay over the Imam (pbuh)'s shrine until his death, and wishes he were buried there.

Do you not like Allah to consider you among those for whom the Holy Prophet (pbuhh), Imam Ali (pbuh), Syeda Fatimah (sa) and the other Masoom Imams (pbuh) pray? Do you not wish to be among those with whom the angels shake hands on the day of Resurrection? Do you not wish to be among those who will come free of sins on the Resurrection Day? Do you not wish to be among those with whom the Holy Prophet (pbuhh) will shake hands on the Day of Judgment?"

Rituals for making ziyarah of Imam Hussein (pbuh)

First: One should fast for three days before he leaves his home. On the third day, as Imam Sadiq (pbuh) instructed Safwan, he should perform ritual bathing (ghusl) (see the seventh ziyarah of Imam Hussein asws). Sheikh Mohammad ibn al-Mashhadi while mentioning preliminaries of the ziyarah to Imam Hussein (pbuh) on the two eids (i.e. the Day of Fast-Breaking and the Day of Sacrificing) has written that when one intended to make ziyarah to the shrine of the Imam (pbuh), he should fast for three days, and perform ghusl on the third day.

Glorify Allah and ask Him to grant His Blessings upon the Prophet (pbuhh) and his progeny (pbuh) (salawat). Then move calmly and sedately. It has been related that Almighty Allah creates 70 thousand angels from each bead of sweat from those who perform ziyarah of Imam Hussein (pbuh) that glorify Allah and ask Him for forgiveness for himself and for other pilgrims until the Day of Resurrection.

Second: Imam Sadiq (pbuh) was quoted as saying, "When you are going on ziyarah to the shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh) perform ziyarah to the Imam (pbuh) sorrowfully and mournfully while you are thirsty, hungry, and dusty with unkempt hair because the Imam (pbuh) has been martyred in these same circumstances.

Ask Allah for your needs, and get back; do not stay there for a long time as you stay in your homeland.

Third: A pilgrim to the shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh) should not provide himself with delicious foods such as sweetmeat or grilled meat during his journey; rather he should have bread with milk or yogurt.

Imam Sadiq (pbuh) was quoted as saying, "I was told that some people had made ziyarah to the shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh) carrying grilled and sweetmeats. If they had been going to the graves of their fathers or friends, they would never have done so."

Through another reliable hadith it was related that Imam Sadiq (pbuh) told Mufaddal ibn `Umar, "Making ziyarah to the shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh) is better than refraining to do so, and refraining to do so is better than making it."

Mufaddal said (sadly), "You did break my back!" (In explanation of his word)

Imam (pbuh) said, "By Allah, you go to visit your own fathers' graves sorrowfully and mournfully, whereas you go on ziyarah of Imam Hussein (pbuh) carrying a lot of delicious foods; rather you should go unkemptly and dustily."

Author's note: How appropriate observing this matter is for the rich and the merchants. When a friend of theirs in the towns on the way to Karbala invites them to lunch or dinner filling the dinner table with delicious meals such as grilled chickens, or providing them with such meals to be eaten during their trip, they should turn down it saying that they are traveling to Karbala and it is not appropriate for them to enjoy such meals.

Sheikh Kulayni has written, "After Imam Hussein (pbuh)’s martyrdom, his wife who was from Bani Kilab Tribe, lamented and wept for him, and so did the other women and servants until there was no tears for them to shed. Meanwhile, she was sent a (hunted wild) bird called sand grouse as a gift from somewhere to gain vigor to continue weeping. Seeing it, she asked about it. She was told that it was a gift that Mr. X had sent for her to make use for Imam Hussein (pbuh)’s lamenting. "We are not in wedding ceremony so that we may eat such a food, are we?" she said. Then she ordered to take it out of home

The fourth recommended point that should be observed during ziyarah to Imam Hussein (pbuh)’s shrine, is behaving humbly and modestly like a submissive bond slave. Therefore, people traveling fast by these modern steam vehicles and the like, which move very fast, should be careful very much on their best behavior so that they do not behave arrogantly and snobbishly; and also they should not behave haughtily toward other pilgrims traveling to Karbala with hardship and discomfort, and should not despise them.

Concerning the behavior of Men of the Cave, the scholars have related that they had been Decius's close associates, as his viziers. When Almighty Allah granted His Favor upon them and they dwelled upon theism and bettering their conduct, they considered it advisable to seclude themselves from people, take refuge in a cave, and begin to worship Allah. So they rode their horses and left the city. When they were three miles away from the city, Tamlikha, one of the Men of the Cave, said, "O my brothers! This is the path of the hereafter. We should walk on it in poverty and indigence, and should abandon the worldly reign and office. Now dismount your horses, and go before Allah on foot so that Allah has mercy upon you and relieves our grief."

Then those honorable figures dismounted their horses all, walked seven parasangs (27.3 miles) until their feet were injured and started bleeding. Therefore, the pilgrims to the holy shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh) should take this note into account, and know that the more they behave modestly for the sake of Allah, the more exaltation of rank they will gain; and that is why regarding the manners of the Imam (pbuh)'s pilgrimage, Imam Sadiq (pbuh) was quoted as saying, "Everyone who makes ziyarah to the shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh) on foot, Almighty Allah will write one thousand rewards for each pace, will atone one thousand sins of his, and will exalt him one thousand degrees in Paradise."

So when you reach the Euphrates, perform ritual bathing (ghusl), take your footgear off, pick them up, and walk like a submissive bond slave

Fifth: During your journey if you see a pilgrim walking on foot who is tired and fatigued demanding you for help, you should fulfill his request to the possible extent, and should take him home; never should you look down on him.

Sixth: It has been related that the honorable reliable hadith relater, Mohammad ibn Muslim told Imam Mohammad Baqir (pbuh), "Going on ziyarah to your forefather, Imam Hussein (pbuh), is like performing hajj, am I right?"

"Absolutely" the Imam (pbuh) confirmed.

"So is it necessary for us to observe what should be observed by hajj pilgrims?" asked Mohammad.

The Imam (pbuh) instructed, "It is necessary for you to behave well toward all your fellow travelers, to speak a little, save for good words, to remember Allah frequently, to wear clean clothes, to perform ritual bathing (ghusl) before entering the shrine (Ha'ir), and to behave humbly and tender-heartedly. It is also necessary for you to say prayers and to frequently ask Allah to grant His Blessings upon the Prophet (ssaw) and his progeny (pbuh) (salawat), to avoid doing what is below your dignity, to keep your eyes from looking at anything that is forbidden or suspected, to do well toward your distressed momin brothers. If you see one has finished his money, it will be your duty to help him and share your own money with him equally. You must practice dissimulation, for the firmness of your religion depends upon it. Abstain from anything forbidden by Allah; abandon enmity, vowing frequently, arguing, and disputing which involves vow. When you do so, you will perfectly receive the reward of major hajj and minor one (`umrah). In this case when you return, you will deserve forgiveness of your sins and Allah's Mercy and Satisfaction for Whose sake you have spent money and you have been away from your family members.

Seventh: Regarding ziyarah of Imam Hussein (pbuh), Abu Hamzah Thumali has quoted Imam Sadiq (pbuh) as saying, "When you reach Karbala, put your baggage there. Do not use kohl; and do not have meat as long as you stay there."

Eighth: Performing ritual bathing (ghusl) in the Euphrates about which there are so many hadiths. Imam Sadiq (pbuh) was quoted as saying, "Whoever goes on ziyarah to the shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh) after performing ghusl in the Euphrates will be purged from his sins like when he was just born even though his sins are paramount."

It has also been related that someone told the Imam (pbuh), "Many a time it has happened to us that we went on ziyarah to the shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh), but we could hardly perform ritual bathing (ghusl) because of coldness and other reasons."

The Imam (pbuh) said, "Having performed ghusl in the Euphrates, if one goes on ziyarah of Imam Hussein (pbuh), so many merits are recorded for him that are beyond the scope of figures."

Bashir al-Dahhan quoted Imam Sadiq (pbuh) as saying, "If one goes on ziyarah to the shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh), and performs minor ablution (wudou) and ghusl in the Euphrates, Allah will write for him a major hajj and a minor one (`umrah) for every step he takes and puts."

According to some hadiths, one should perform his ghusl in the Euphrates across from the shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh)
And it is preferable, according to some hadiths, to repeat the following one hundred times when getting the Euphrates:

Allah is the greatest

And he should repeat the following one hundred times:

There is no god except Allah

And one should ask Allah to grant His Blessings upon the Prophet (pbuhh) and his progeny (pbuh) (salawat) one hundred times.

Ninth: When you intend enter into the holy shrine (ha'ir), enter through the eastern gate of the shrine, as Imam Sadiq (pbuh) instructed Yousuf Kannasi.

Tenth: One should say his obligatory and recommended prayers near the holy grave of Imam Hussein (pbuh), for prayer said there will be accepted.

Sayyid ibn Tawus has written, "Endeavor not to miss saying your obligatory and recommended prayers in the holy shrine. It has been related that an obligatory prayer near the holy grave of the Imam (pbuh) equals a major hajj, and a recommended prayer equals a minor one (`umrah).

Author's note: In the hadith that was related by Mufaddal a large number of rewards were mentioned for saying prayer in the holy shrine

Also through a reliable hadith Imam Sadiq (pbuh) was quoted as saying, "Going on ziyarah to the shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh) if one says two or four rak`ats of prayer there, the reward of major hajj and minor one (`umrah) will be recorded for him"

What is deduced from the hadiths is that one can say pilgrimage prayer and perform other practices either behind the grave or on the head side of the Imam (pbuh)'s burial chamber both are good. If one wishes to say it on the head side, he should stand farther back where it is not parallel to the holy grave itself.

A part of the hadith quoted by Abu Hamzah Thumali from Imam Sadiq (pbuh) says, "Say two rak`ats of prayer near the head side of the Imam's holy grave reciting the surahs of al-Fatihah and Ya Sin in the first rak`at, and the surahs of al-Fatihah and al-Rahman in the second. You can say this prayer behind the holy grave; although, saying it on the head side of the holy grave is preferable. Having got through with this prayer, you can say any prayer; however, this couple of rak`ats of pilgrimage prayer should be said in every mausoleum that one visits."

Ibn Qoulawayh has related that Imam Baqir (pbuh) told a man, "What prevents you, in case you are in need of something, from going near the holy grave of Imam Hussein (pbuh) and saying two rak`ats of prayer; then pray to Allah for your needs? Verily, saying an obligatory prayer near the Imam (pbuh)'s holy grave equals a major hajj, and saying a recommended prayer equals a minor hajj (`umarah)."

Eleventh, know that the main practice of the holy shrine of Imam Hussein (pbuh) is invocation because meeting the needs under that sacred dome is one of the rewards that Almighty Allah has granted to the Imam (pbuh) in return for his martyrdom. Therefore, a pilgrim should take the opportunity, and should not be neglectful of entreaty, repentance, and praying for one's needs. Many supplications with sublime contents have been related in the ziyarahs of the Imam (pbuh).

It is preferable to recite the invocations of Sahaifah Sajjadiyyah as many as possible, for they are the best invocations.

You should recite the following supplication in the holy shrine while lifting your hands (palms upward):

O my Allah Thou takes notice of my position, hears whatever I say, understands my approach, my deep affection, and my "refuge taking, " keenness for the "resting abode" of Thy demonstrator, the son of Thy prophet (pbuh). O my Master, Thou knows what I want, my condition is not hidden from Thee,

therefore, I turn to Thee, through Thy Messenger's son (pbuh), Thy Hujjat (proof) and Thy trustee, I seek Thy and Thy Messenger (pbuh)'s nearness through him,

so, on account of him, let me be respectable and dignified before Thee, in this world and in the Hereafter, and also let me be Thy close attendant.

and fulfill my desires in return of my visitation, make a present of my joys and delights, bestow upon me that which I passionately crave and long for,

satisfy my wants and needs do not send me away disappointed, do not cut off my hopes, do not reject my prayers,

let acceptance of my supplications regarding both this world and the hereafter become apparent,

and include me among those of Thy servants who have been kept safe from dangers, diseases, distress and disadvantages,

whom Thou let live in peace and prosperity, let me die in complete tranquility, and enter the Paradise in ecstasy, take refuge in Thy sanctuary to avoid the flames of the Fire.

Provide me with a steady welfare, as a favor, which I ardently desire for myself, my family, my children, my brothers, my possessions,

and for all that which Thou hast bestowed upon me, O the most Merciful of all who show mercy!

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