O, Dear Sister...
If you were engaged or married, God bless you, as your husband is legitimate on
you and you are as well on him... and both of you are rewarded and granted for
every action, movement or word by the will of God and His Strength... But:
Don’t do what is special for both of you... infront of other people, as others
do, because it scratches your modesty and ventures others on you...
Actions as touching, hugging, kissing, feeding each other, winking, putting
one’s head on the other’s chest or lap and others...
All of these actions are permissible for both of you when you are alone… not by
becoming a “play” or “show” for people, since God Al-Mighty forbade the entrance
of the forbidden people on you, until they take permission for the entry to
protect you.
* Book: O, Dear Sister. By Sayyed Sami Bin Hassan Khadra.