O, Dear Sister....
Be very careful from far trips that require days and nights, and the long ones
too… especially since male-female associations and medleys, which are forbidden,
have become obligatory... and other dangers are also probable... and what has
reached us from situations does not indicate welfare…
This includes the “visiting trips” to the holy shrines which should preserve at
least, the least level of morals, good actions, sincerity and noble conduct to
achieve what is wished for, from spirituality and attention...
This also includes “school trips” which, almost all of them, have become
islamically forbidden, and the little left are suspicious... Infact they became
the sites for people with bad intentions… who actually plan to make use of
them... to do what isn’t permissible in the school campus!!! Where infront of
the supervisors, dancing, singing, forbidden touches, strange actions and brazen
laughs become permissible… of course, out of “innocent and good intentions”!!!
because they are all “friends”!!! The truth is that they make use of you for
entertainment to spend their time with you for one day!!! Did you forget that:
﴾On that day you shall be exposed to view- no secret of yours shall
remain hidden﴿.
The Sure Calamity-18
In our days, such trips have become widely spread for different occasions as “Eid”,
school holidays, summer vacations, week ends, etc…
And he who has no reason for a trip “invents” one!!!
﴾These are who make mischief in the land and don’t act aright﴿.
The Poets-152
* Book: O, Dear Sister. By Sayyed Sami Bin Hassan Khadra.