O, Dear Sister...
Don’t attend mixed parties because it is an “inventive” method to pick up girls,
trap them in one’s net… to seclude with them... or depart them away from their
parents in a “unique manner”...
Anyway, such parties have a shameless and crazy nature... and it is
self-witnessed for those who are honest with themselves:
﴾Most surely there is a reminder in this for him who has a heart or he
gives ear and is a witness﴿.
Such parties will harm you sooner or later because:
You are losing your future by standing to the side of God’s enemies…
And you are losing your present by humiliating yourself in the eyes of the
fellows surrounding you, who tempted and used you... and made you cry...
So from any corner you think about it, you will be the loser if you were a
“party fan” for:
﴾who will then help me against Allah if I disobey Him? Therefore you
don’t add to me other than loss﴿.
* Book: O, Dear Sister. By Sayyed Sami Bin Hassan Khadra.