
Our Speech

Woman is a Basil

Don't attenuate in your speech by pronouncing words indifferently: as intending to speak with a certain...

Our Speech
O, Dear Sister…

Don’t attenuate in your speech by pronouncing words indifferently: as intending to speak with a certain accent or slant language or...

Your Al-Mighty God said: be not soft in your speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease yearn﴿. The Allies-32

Avoid too much talking, joking and laughing… because if done frequently among men and women leads to inclemency, loss of piety, increase in sins, faults, blames and boredom….

Also my sister, avoid using words in a different language than yours intentionally just to alert other people’s attention to you and your multi-linguistics!!

Sadly, this has become widely spread among the “believers”, for instance using words such as: Merci, Salut, Bonjour, Bonsoir, Au revoir, etc…..

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