
Scents and Perfumes

Woman is a Basil

Avoid the exhalation of odors which tempt the others, if you walked by them, or were in class, a teacher...

Scents and Perfumes
O, Dear Sister...

Avoid the exhalation of odors which tempt the others, if you walk by them, or were in class, a teacher or student, or in a congregation or in the elevator... How many times did your odor arouse the men!!!

You have to be totally precaution when using perfumes or scents outside your home, whether used directly or indirectly:

‘Directly’ is when you put it intentionally on your clothes and body.

And ‘Indirectly’ is what remains within the clothes from previous usages, and such clothes are worn without paying attention to their scents.

So, my chaste sister, if you want to wear perfume, don’t go out of your home or change your clothes or wear the perfume whose scent fades away quickly, as what has been said is that women’s scent has color but no odor.

While she who becomes an infatuation for males, is whom the Prophet (PBUHH) had said about: “Whichever woman who is scented and passes by a group, and they smell her scent, she is an adulteress”. Mezan al hikma- hadith 11034

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