

Introductions to Ethics

Knowledge of Allah Most High, of what He loves and what He hates, mild temper, silence, disparage of...

Signs of Knowledge

Knowledge of Allah Most High, of what He loves and what He hates, mild temper, silence, disparage of one’s speech, is never satisfied with the knowledge he has, is not bored by learning, if asked about what he doesn’t know he acknowledges it, knows that the knowledge he has compared to the knowledge he is ignorant of is very little and endeavors to know more, does not say: “I am a scholar”, does not claim that he has covered all knowledge nor that he has reached the end of knowledge, laughs seldom, cries often of the fear of Allah, is not indignant of his means of sustenance, does not accuse Allah of injustice, learns in order to do not to speak, seeks the knowledge of the permissible and the impermissible (in order to perform the rituals of worship before Allah Most High, otherwise he will not have success from Allah to learn), humbleness, mild temper and veneration.

* Book: Materialwest. By sayed Sami Khadra.

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