

Introductions to Ethics

The one who feigns poverty (the one who pretends that he is poor while he is not, it as though he is hurrying...

Sources of Poverty

The one who feigns poverty (the one who pretends that he is poor while he is not, it as though he is hurrying up to become poor himself), the keen, betrayal, laziness, the one who begs people, prayers to harm the son, leaving the spider web in the house, eating after having had a sexual intercourse (without washing), leaving garbage in the house, adultery, perjury, sleeping between sunset prayers and the late evening prayers, sleeping before sun rise, habitual lying, frequent listening to singing, ditching good arrangement, bad relations with relatives.

Things that Avert Poverty

Economizing in financial affairs, (good arrangement of economic affairs), charity and alms, good relations with relatives, frequent saying: “No power and no strength save by the grace of Allah Most High, Great”

* Book: Materialwest. By sayed Sami Khadra.

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