The Term Wisdom in Islam
The obedience of Allah Most High, avoidance of great sins for which Allah Most
High will consign to the Fire, acquisition of religious knowledge, those who are
knowledgeable about religions are wise people, the wise are the most honorable
people, the most patient, the most forgiving, the ones with the best of manners,
the wise were about to be prophets, wisdom is the abandonment of worldly
pleasures, the pinnacle of wisdom is the fear of Allah.
How to Acquire Wisdom
By the denunciation of this world, hunger, preservation of the tongue, control
of desire, laconism, truthful speech, honesty, minding one’s own affairs,
casting down one’s eyes out of modesty, always saying what is good and modest,
wisdom resides in the humble heart, meditation about wisdom.
* Book: Materialwest. By sayed Sami Khadra.