
Allah takes pride in the worship of the youth


One of Imams relatives narrates: Right from the time we used to live in Khomein, Imam from the age...

Allah takes Pride in the Worship of the Youth

One of Imam's relatives narrates: Right from the time we used to live in Khomein, Imam from the age of 15 would recite the night prayer. So as not to wake anyone else at that time of night, Imam would use a small lamp to light his way. He would then go to a corner of the house and say his prayers.

Imam's wife would say, I was never once woken up by Imam praying the night prayer because he would never switch on the room light. When he would go to do wudu’ (ablution), he would place a sponge in the sink under the tap so that the sound of the falling water would not wake me.

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