
Recite Ziyarat-e-Rajabiye

Points of Views

In one of his speeches in Najaf given in the form of a sermon, Imam recommended: “Recite Ziyarat-e-Rajabiye...

In one of his speeches in Najaf given in the form of a sermon, Imam recommended: “Recite Ziyarat-e-Rajabiye, because this ziyarat mentions the status of the Infallibles of Allah, such as: ‘There is no difference between you (Allah) and them except that they are your slaves.’”

Imam emphasized this and said: “Only their being a slave causes the difference between them and Allah. Otherwise all the strengths of Allah are in their hands as well.”

He then said: “Recite this ziyarat so that if anything of the status of the Infallibles of Allah has been narrated for you, you consider it probable and do not reject it.”

* Notes: Mafatihul-Jinan, Supplications for every day of Rajab

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