
Message Of Hejab From A Muslim Woman


As if it has continued to ring for thousand of years of history till this day. under the dominance of the systems...


O Woman! This jingle jangle is the clink of your chains!

What an old and rusty clink!

As if it has continued to ring for thousand of years of history till this day. under the dominance of the systems devouring the blood of humanity, Throughout the decadent society in which you live,

In the depth of your thoughts, wishes and tastes, and even your decisions, These chains, which have pierced from your skin into your flesh, Have gone deep into your brain and soul and bruised your Self, Behold! Hearken to their sound!

In the continuous whispers from morn till dark, around the house, (busy) with cooking pots, sweeping the floor, Amidst the factory wheels turning by your laborious hands, In the fields developed by your hands bound in tatters, and stooped back, There, in the office where you work and are consumed, Even where you learn or teach, Under that stinking layer of rouge which you rub on your face, In the side of the multicoloured garments you put on as a means of ostentation, In your thought, while you are thinking.

Throughout your life, in your destiny, if you look truly, you have never been the one really deciding about it.

Beside the insults, discriminations which you have to bear in different ways in this decadent system, How should I tell you that these chains have not only deprived you for soaring to heights, but also crushed all the people of your land under their pressure, Of course, all the people of your land, your countrymen, the oppressed creatures, who suffer and are tormented, robbed and plundered, yet their human wants are not supplied.

Of course, O Woman!

Whom thousands of years of decadent history have kept in chains,

Whose self has been wounded by the scourges of oppression of prevailing systems, Who throughout the history, in one way or the other, has been the slave of the economic powers;

O Woman! whom the religious despotism of several thousand years, in every age has, in one form or the other, kept in black claws of superstitions and groundless fears, Who has always been subdued by man;

Now at this height of awakening and freedom when the people of the world are straightening their backs from under the bloodstained boots of oppressors, a

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