
Keenness to Have a Lot of this World

Introductions to Ethics

The most humiliating thing is the keenness to have pleasures in this world, being keen does not increase the means...

The Humiliation of Keenness

The most humiliating thing is the keenness to have pleasures in this world, being keen does not increase the means of sustenance, the one who is keen is always tired, the keen one is the prisoner of his keenness, keenness is a form of humiliation and languish, it is just like the silk worm, the more it turns around itself, the more its emergence is difficult in which case it dies while doing so, the keen one is deprived of satisfaction, comfort and sureness, the keen one is poor even if he owns the whole world “if you want from this world what is sufficient for you, then the least will be enough for you, but if you want more and more, then all the this world will not be enough for you”, keenness belittles the man, it doesn’t increase the means of sustenance because this is destined by Allah and death will come as doomed by Allah.

* Book: Materialwest. By sayed Sami Khadra.

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