Having understood the stages of the place according to his states and
existential growths [nasha'at], the salik is to exert his effort, in respect
with the cordial disciplines of their permissibility, so that his Salat may come
out of the usurping intrusions of the evil Iblis. In the first stage he is to
perform the formal disciplines of worship and servitude, and to fulfill his
former promises of the world of pre-existence and the Day of Covenant, cutting
Satan's intruding hand from the kingdom of his nature, so as to establish
amicable relations with the Owner of the House, and his actions [tasarrufat] in
the world of nature may not be usurping. Some of the people of good aptitude say
that the inner meaning of the noble ayah
﴾O you who believe! Fulfil the obligations. The cattle quadruped are
allowed to you,﴿1
is that allowing the cattle quadruped is conditioned by the fulfillment of the
guardianship obligation. Noble hadiths relate that all land is the Imam's, and
that other than the Shi'ahs are its usurpers.2 People of knowledge
regard the waliy ul'amr (the religiously legal authority) as the owner of all
kingdoms of the existence, and the stages of the visible and the invisible, and
regard using them without the Imam's permission to be wrong.
The writer says: The accursed lblis is the enemy of Allah, and his conducts and
all the Satanic intrusions in the world of nature are tyrannical and usurping.
So, if the wayfarer to Allah could bring himself out of the control of that
wicked one, his conduct would be divine, and his place, clothing, food and
matrimony would be permissible and clean. And as much as he remains under
Satan's control, his permissibilities become less and Satanic polytheism [shirk]
will affect them. So, if man's external organs become under Satan's control,
they will be Satanic organs, usurping Allah's kingdom, as the seclusion of the
invisible powers in the mosque of the body can only be permissible and right
when those powers are of the soldiers of Allah, in which case lblis's soldiers
will not have the right to intrude into the kingdom of the human body, which is
the property of Allah, the Exalted. Having cut the intruding hand of Satan short
off the kingdom of the heart, which is the private residence of Allah, and
cleared his heart for Allah's manifestation, and excluded other than Allah, such
as lblis, from it, the external and internal mosques and the visible and
invisible places become permissible for him, and his salats become like those of
the people of knowledge, and consequently, the purity of the mosque is realized,
* Book: Adabus Salat "The Disciplines of the Prayer". By: Imam
1- Surah al-Ma'idah:
2- Usulul Kafi, vol. 2, p. 266, "Book of the Proof', narratives in ch.
"Concerning that All Land is the Imam's"