The Prophet (pbuh&hh) told one of his pious friends named Jabbir bin Abdullah,
"Oh Jabbir! You will live and will see my son Mohammad Bin Ali Bin Al Hussein
whose name in Torah (The Old Testament) is Baqir, convey my compliments (Salam)
to him."
The Prophet (pbuh&hh) passed away and Jabbir remained alive for long times to
come. One day, he visited the house of Imam Zain-ul-Abidin (a.s.) and came
across a small child. He asked lmam Sajjad (a.s.), "Whose is this child?" He
replied, "He is my son Mohammad Baqir (a.s.) who is the Imam of the Muslims
next to myself."
Jabbir got up and kissed the foot of Imam (a.s.) and said, "My life be
sacrificed upon you, oh the son of Prophet (pbuh&hh) accept the compliments (Salam)
of your grandfather the Prophet of God (pbuh&hh). He conveyed his compliments
through me."
Imam's (a.s.) eyes were filled up with tears and he said, "compliments and
benediction be upon my grandfather the Prophet of God (pbuh&hh) until the Sky
and Earth are stable (firm) and upon you too, Oh Jabbir, that you conveyed his
compliment to me."