The impacts of omitting prayers present in the practical human life. This was affirmed in the prophet’s (pbuh) hadith of the 15 calamities by God about depriving a man who neglects prayers from life’s blessings. These detached blessings have two meanings:
First: God almighty doesn’t bless the lifespan of a man who neglects prayer, which means that God reduces his lifespan.
Second: He won’t find good luck in other blessings. This idea was mentioned in hadith that says that prayer is the pillar of religion. If that is accepted from him, his other deeds will be looked at, but if that is not accepted from him, no other deeds will be looked at. This means that all good deeds done by a man are not accepted; even more, they don’t affect a man’s life because he neglects the pillar and support of Islam. Al Imam Al Baker (a.s) resembles a prayer to the pillar of a tent where all of the tent will fall down without it. Same as for the prayer. All of the good deeds are accepted after the acceptance of prayer. Then, if the prayer is neglected, all of the other blessings and good deeds will neither be accepted nor they will have their impact on a man’s life.
Third: Detaching blessing from his life means depriving him from good children who supplicate for him since a man may find good luck in his fifteenth grandson who may supplicate and make good deeds for him so that he benefits from. But a man who neglects prayer, God will not leave a blessing in his offspring. God guarantees the piety of a righteous man and reflects the impact of this piety on his offsprings, generation after generation. We’ve seen this in what God has recited in Surah Al Kahf between the righteous servant Al Khodor, and the speaker of God, Moses (pbuh):”And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and under the wall was a treasure that belonged to them, and their father had been a righteous man. So your Lord willed that these children should come of age and retrieve their treasure, as a mercy from your Lord. I didn't do it ?all? on my own”. [1] In a number of stories mentioned about this righteous father, they mentioned that he’s the 7th grandfather… so think carefully about that.
The Thieves of Prayer:
It was reported by the Commander of the Believers (a.s), that the messenger of God (pbuh) says:”The worst thief is who steals from his prayer, which means he who doesn’t finish his worship”.[2] Some of the thieves of prayer think that accomplishing prayer fastly is one of the symbols of jurisprudence. Al Imam Ali has given those people an example:” He who doesn’t complete his prayer is like a pregnant woman who aborted after a short time of giving birth. She’s neither pregnant nor a mother”.[3] One hadith was mentioned by Salman Al Mohammadi, ibn Masoud and Ibn Abbas, when Salman says:” Prayer is a scale. He who gives the sufficient measure, will get the same in return. But he who gives insufficient measure, you know well what God says about the defrauders”. [4]
Our master, Al Imam Al Sadek (a.s) says:” the messenger of God (pbuh) says: As long as a believer looks after performing his five prayers on time, the devil remains afraid of him. Whenever he neglects them, the devil dares him and lets him commit the greatest sins”. [5]
Sacrifice of the Pious, Al Maaref Islamic and Cultural Institution
[1] Surah Al Kahf, verse 82
[2] Judge Al Numan bin Muhammad Al Maghribi, The pillars of Islam,part 1, page 133.
[3] Previous source, Kanz al-Ummal, Volume 7, pg. 509, h 20006.
[4] Youssef bin Abdullah bin Abdul Barr Al Nimri, Al-Isthkar, Part 1, page 67, Edition: 1 Dar Al Kutub Al Ilmia.
[5] Trust of Islam Sheikh Al Kulayni, Al-Kafi, par. 3, page 269, hadith 8.