Al Imam Abu Jaafar (a.s) didn’t die normally on his bed, but he was poisoned by a sinful person who doesn’t know neither God nor the hereafter. Historians argue about the identity of that sinful person that committed this crime, as we mention below:
Hisham bin Al Hakam assasinated Al Imam, so he poisoned[1] him. Most probably he did it because Hisham was hateful for the prophet’s family (pbuh). He was raised with hatred. He encouraged the great martyr Zaid bin Ali to revolt against him when he insulted him, then faced him with more repulsion and humiliation. It is confirmed that the great Imam Abu Jaafar had disturbed this oppressor by the spread of his favors and knowledge and muslims speaking about his talents, so Hisham made a step forward and assassinated him to get rid of him.
The man who poisoned Al Imam is Ibrahim bin Al Walid[2]. Al Sayyid ibn Tawous sees that Ibrahim bin Al Tawous was a part of killing Al Imam (a.s), which means that he didn't kill him alone but with someone else.
Some sources have ignored the names of the assisinator of Al Imam (a.s) and were satisfied by mentioning that he was poisoned[3]… these are some sayings about poisoning Al Imam (a.s).
The Causes of Killing Al Imam:
The causes for the Umayyads to kill Al Imam (a.s), as we see, are as followed:
The Highness of Al Imam’s Character
Al Umam Abu Jaafar (a.s) was the highest character in the islamic world where all muslims agree on glorifying him and admitting his favor. The aim of all scholars of the islamic countries was to benefit from his pure knowledge and favors which are an elongation for the knowledge of his grandfather, God’s messenger Mohammad (pbuh).
Al Imam (a.s) attracted all of people’s feelings and took exclusive possession of their glorification and appreciation because he’s the well known character of the prophet’s family. This social rank has upset the Umayyad, so they all agreed on assassinating him to get rid of him.
Damascus Incidents
One of the causes that led the Umayyad to assassinate Al Imam was the incidents that took place when Al Imam was in Damascus:
Al Imam excelled in shooting over bani Umayyah and others when Hisham called him to shoot, thinking that he would fail in his shooting and would not hit the target, so he used that as a way to degrade him and ridicule him in front of the people of Levant. When Al Imam threw and hit the target several times, in an astonishing manner that was not acquainted with the shooting operations in the world, the tyrant Hisham was astonished. He began to stand out in anger, and the earth seemed constrained to them. After that, he decided to assassinate him.
His debate with Hisham regarding the affairs of the Imamate. Al Imam surpassed him to the extent that he looked cowardly. This led to his hatred for him.
His debate with the Christian world, and overcoming him until he admitted his inability to keep up with him. This incident became the talk of concern to the masses of the people of Levant.
Al Imam Al Baker (a.s) Life, His Eminence Al Sheikh Baker Sharif Al Korashi
[1] Bihar Al Anwar and others.
[2] The Countries’ News (Akhbar Al Dowal) page 111
[3] Bihar Al Anwar.