God almighty says in his holy book:” There is no good in much of their secret talks, except for whoever advocates charity, or kindness, or reconciliation between people. Whoever does this, seeking Allah’s approval, We will grant him an excellent compensation”. [1]
Many rich people have exceeded the limits of morals and humanity through their harsh desire to gather money by damaging the poor’s rights that God has put in the rich money. As a result of that, they fall in oppression and social abuses because of pressuring the deprived one by what burdens them. The truth is such behavior is considered among the factors of spreading corruption and deviations with their different forms.
No one denies the effect of these displeased problems on increasing crimes and kinds of deviation except those who are blind of sight and insight. In order not to allow the spread of this ugly case in the islamic society and extend into the circle of the followers of the prophet’s family, the Imam of guidance (pbuh) have defeated this through hadiths adopted from revelation. Those whose hadiths are as Al Imam Al Sadek (a.s) says:” My hadith is the hadith of my father, my father’s hadith is that of my grandfather, my grandfather hadith is that of Al Hussein, Al Hussein’s hadith is that of Al Hasan, hadith Al Hasan is the hadith of the Commander of the Faithful, and the latest hadith is that of God’s messenger, and God’s messenger hadith is the saying of God glorified”[2], “Whoever wills, let him believe, and whoever wills, let him disbelieve”. [3]
Among the hadiths of the infallible Imam (a.s) is the saying of Al Imam Al Sadek (a.s) in his commandment for Abdullah bin Jondab: “God doesn’t torture a nation except when its people depriciate the rights of their poor brothers”. Also his commandment to his friend Al Najib Jamil bin Darraj:'' The best of you are the forgiving, and the worst of you are the greedy. Being kind with your brothers and striving for their needs are among the good deeds which annoy the evil and move you back from the hellfire. Jamil said: You are as dear as my mother and father, who are my best friends? al Imam answered: Those are kind with brothers in ease and distress”. [4]
The prophet’s family has considered performing a believer’s right as the best worship, so Al Imam Al Sadek says:” God is not worshiped in anything better than performing a believer’s right”. [5]
Tala’ie Al Qulub (Hearts’ Pioneers), Al Maaref Islamic and Cultural Institution
[1] Surah Al Nisaa, verse 114
[2] Al Sheikh Al Kulayni, Al Kafi, part 2 page 51
[3] Surah Al Kahf, verse 29
[4] Al Sheikh Al Suduk Mohammad bin Ali Al Kommi, Al Khisal, page 96-97, door 3, hadith 42, 1st edition, group of educators, Qom.
[5] Al Sheikh Al Kulayni, Al Kafi, part 2, page 170, Book of Faith and Disbelief, 4th edition, Dar Sa’ib, Beirut