
Quotes of rajab-2


Quotes of rajab-2


A sincere intention adds years to one’s life.
Al Imam Al Sadiq (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2116
The people of Gaza were able, through their patience, resilience, and refusal to surrender, to expose the false human rights mask worn by America, Britain, France, and their allies.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
The right of those who hold onto Your rope is not to be abandoned, and it is not fitting for those who seek refuge in Your might to be betrayed or neglected.
Supplication of the Clingers to Imam Zain Al Abidin
Indeed, those who deny the meeting with God have lost until, when the Hour of resurrection comes upon them unexpectedly, they will say, “ O, how great is our regret over what we neglected.”
Surah Al An’am verse 31
If we repent from the past and future sins, our prayers will be answered.
Ayatollah Al Sheikh Al Bahja
When you sit with your parents, don’t fiddle with your phone; give them your full attention.
If you want God to make your life longer, honor your parents.
Al Imam Al Sadiq (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2116
Lighten your loads of desires , and you will catch up those who already win; for the first among you will wait for the last.
Al Imam Ali (a.s)
Nahjul Balagha
And the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear God, so will you not reason!
Surah Al An’am verse 32
Ali embodies Islam and signifies the speaking Quran.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
Behold, I have not seen a wonder like seeing someone who seeks Paradise sleeping in its blessings, and someone who flees from Hell sleeping in its terribleness.
Al Imam Ali (a.s)
Nahjul Balagha
What we notice in the Commander of the Faithful: his courage, devotion in worship, adherence to divine commands, his chivalry and compassion toward the weak, and his fearless confrontation of the arrogant and tyrants.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
Congratulations on the birth anniversary of The Commander of the Faithful, Al Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s)
13th of Rajab
He who works gains more strength, and he who neglects his work gains more spiritlessness.
Al Imam Ali (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2120
After all, this world has turned its back and bid farewell, while the Hereafter has approached and become evident.
Al Imam Ali (a.s)
Nahjul Balagha
The Commander of the Faithful was a man who didn’t differentiate between day and night while conveying the religion, working for the sake of God, and confronting God’s enemies. He was present when everyone else was absent.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
The greatest richness is despairing from what is in the hands of people.
Al Imam Ali (a.s)
Nahjul Balagha
Learn from your predecessors before your followers learn from you.
Al Imam Ali (a.s)
Nahjul Balagha
If we really want to adhere to the leadership of the Commander of the Faithful, we should bring ourselves and the environment closer to justice.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
Whoever is pleased to have his sustenance expanded and his lifespan extended, should maintain family ties.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2116
Among the veils that prevent you from understanding the holy Quran and benefiting from the knowledge and lessons of this divine book: the veil of sins, and the hardships resulting from tyranny and disobedience in the sacred domain of the God of the Worlds. This veil obscures the heart from perceiving the truths.
Al Imam Al Khomeini (may God sanctify his secret)
Peace be upon the companion of prophethood and imamate, the shining one, Zainab.
Where is the breaker of the oppressors’ thorns in a time when injustice and immorality have spread to the utmost limits?
When it’s said that blood has triumphed over the sword in Ashura and the event of Karbala, and indeed it did triumph - the factor and cause of this triumph is Lady Zainab.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
Zainab Al Kubra is among the friends of Allah; her honor is the honor of Islam. She glorified Islam and the Quran.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
May God reward you greatly on the death anniversary of Lady Zainab Al Kubra
15th Rajab
Glad tidings to one whose life is long, and his deeds are good, so his end is good, as his God is pleased with him. Woe to one whose life is long, and his deeds are bad, so his end is bad, as his God is displeased with him.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2117
Praise be to Allah, who decreed happiness for His friends, and sealed the fate of His chosen ones with achieving His will, transporting them to mercy, kindness, satisfaction, and forgiveness.
Lady Zainab (a.s), Al Awalim, Al Imam Al Hussein (a.s), Sheikh Abdullah Al Bahrani, p. 406
She’s the Lady of patience and a role model in dealing with humanity in trials and difficulties.
Lady Zainab (a.s) demonstrated that Hijab and feminine chastity can transform into the dignity of jihad and great struggle.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
Peace be upon Zainab in the worlds, and curses upon the enemies of the household of prophethood until the Day of Judgment.
Lady Zainab reached a status that no one except the highest figures in the world of humanity, the prophets, could attain.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
Honor with God is through good deeds, not through good words.
Al Imam Ali (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2120
The final and not-so-distant victory will be in favor of the Palestinian people and Palestine, God willing.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
Indeed, messengers were denied before you, but they patiently endured denial and harm until our victory came to them…
Surah Al An’am verse 34
After struggling with yourself, forsaking the sweetness of sleep and warmth to perform the night prayer, you will experience a tremendous spiritual delight.
Make your conversations with others a station for sowing hope, positivity, and reminding of the importance of good deeds.
The Basmala (In the name of God) signifies the remembrance of God, saying: “My God, I have not forgotten You.”
Work is the slogan of the believer.
Al Imam Ali (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2120
Whoever strives, only strives for the benefit of his own soul. Indeed, Allah is Free from the needs of the worlds.
Surah Al Ankabut verse 6
It is imperative for us to always remind ourselves that the fruits of obedience and striving are attained by us, and indeed, God, the Almighty, is independent of that.
Prophet Moses (a.s), despite his lofty position in prophethood, did not suffice with that rank. As soon as he encountered someone like Al Khidr, he humbly and submissively asked, “May I follow you so that you teach me from what you have been taught?” and dedicated himself to serving him until he acquired the knowledge essential for him.
Al Imam Al Khomeini (may God sanctify his secret)
Make me among those who have a long and virtuous life, good deeds, complete blessings, Your satisfaction, a pleasant and everlasting life full of joy, dignity, and perfect well-being.
From the supplication of Al Imam Zain Al Abidin (a.s)
Secure your lives against external interventions. Allowing interventions, even from family members, can lead to divorce in many cases.
We must recite this supplication during the era of occultation to remain steadfast in faith and remain on the straight path: ‘O God, O Most Merciful, O Most Compassionate, O Turner of the hearts, keep my heart steadfast on Your religion.’
Ayatollah Sheikh Muhammad Taqi Bahjat (may his secret be sanctified)
In this world, God called people by their fathers for recognition, and in the Hereafter, by their deeds for recompense.
Al Imam Al Sadiq (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2120
The Zionists perceive themselves as a superior race and consider the diverse human races, which are neither Zionist nor Jewish, as a degraded race.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
He is the Subjugator over His servants…
Surah Al An’am verse 61
The upbringing of children depends on the element of setting an example, and the primary and most influential example for them is you, O father.
Strengthening faith in Allah enhances the springs of hope, making a person more capable of facing difficulties and confronting challenges.
O God, with Your knowledge of the unseen and Your power over creation, grant me life as long as life is good for me, and let death come to me when death is good for me.
From the supplication of Lady Fatimah (a.s)
A person is not accompanied except by his actions.
Al Imam Ali (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2124
People should not allow the oppression of the Palestinian people to be forgotten.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
All praise is due to God, who is merciful about me as if I have no sins.
From the supplication of Abu Hamza Al Thumali
Looking at your face is peace for my burdened soul.
Because they are God’s conclusive proofs, the flowing springs of His laws, His trustees regarding His revelations, and His guardians in carrying out His commands and prohibitions. Therefore, the one who loves them is a lover of God, and the one who hates them is a hater of God.
Sayyid Abdul-Hussein Dastgheyb
Excessive pampering keeps your children away from real life. Therefore, you should burden them with some responsibility according to their age.
Perseverance in following the traditions and practices, even if few, pleases God and is more beneficial to Him in the Hereafter than exerting effort in innovations and following desires.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2124
The intended meaning of the mentioned heart locks in the noble verse: ‘Will they not reflect upon the Qur’an, or are there locks upon their hearts?’ is the locks and fetters of worldly attachments.
Al Imam Al Khomeini (may God sanctify his secret)
O Possessor of the needs of those who ask, and Knower of the conscience of the silent ones.
From the supplication of Rajab month
You won’t initiate self-reform if you wait for the right time, so start reforming now and don’t delay.
Not a leaf falls but that He knows it, and no grain is there within the darknesses of the earth and no moist or dry [thing] but that it is [written] in a clear record.
Surah Al An’am verse 59
What sustains marriage is not the luxury of the wedding or the high costs spent on it, but the seed of love, loyalty, and established piety in the hearts of the couple.
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