The Love and Wilayat of Imam Ali (A.S.) is a Guarantee of True Safety and Protection
The Life of Imam Ali
The real and true guarantee of protection from the terrible fright on the Day of Judgment is the Wilayat and...
The real and true guarantee of protection from the terrible fright on the Day of Judgment is the Wilayat and Muhabbat of Amirul Momineen (A.S.). It is called Husnaa (the greatest good). No other good can surpass this good. Everyone having this good in his heart will remain safe on the Day of Qiyamat: Innal…Akbar (Surah Anbiyaa: 21, V: 101-104).
Translation: ﴾Verily those who will get the greatest from us in advance will remain far away from Hell. They will not even hear its humming and will always be enjoying their choice bounties. Even the terrible fright of Qiyamat will not trouble them. The Holy Prophet is reported to have said that: O Ali! You and Your Shias (followers) will remain in peace from the Faza-e-Akbar (the terrific fright). And this refers only to you﴿.
The Absolute ‘Hasana (Good) Is The Wilayat Of Ali Bin Abi Talib
Similarly, the Hasanah which is the absolute good is the Love and friendship of Ali (A.S.) and the Aal (progeny) of Ali (A.S.). Quran has given promise that, on the Day of Resurrection, the one who will come with Hasanah will get the best reward and he will remain in peace from the fright of that Day: Man Jaa…Aaminoon (Surah Naml: 27, V: 89). Translation: ﴾The one who will do good will get a far more better reward and these people will remain safe and in peace from the danger and fright of that Day﴿.
In the tafseers (commentaries) of the Sunnis, such as Tafseer-e-Kashshaaf-e-Zamakhshari and Tafseer-e-Kabeer-e-Fakhre Raazi and Tafseer-e-Tha'labi and Tafseer-e-Rooh-ul-Bayan etc, it is mentioned that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) said that the one who dies with the love of and friendship with Aale Muhammad (A.S.) in his heart will die as a repentant and clean and when he will be raised from the grave he will enter the grand field of gathering (Mahshar) happily. He will neither feel fright nor any uneasiness. Paradise will be decorated for him just the bridal apartment is being adorned for the bride…(till the end of the lengthy narration). What I wanted to present was the part showing that the friends of Ali (A.S.) will be in peace in Qiyamat.
* By: Ayatullah Shaheed Sayyid Abdul Husain Dastghaib.