
Patience… A Higher Notion for the Right Path

Sayed Abbas Mousawi

Those who know the sacrifices of Imam Hussein (as) in Karbala cannot but relate it to the patience...

Patience… A Higher Notion for the Right Path

Those who know the sacrifices of Imam Hussein (as) in Karbala cannot but relate it to the patience and position of his sister Sayyeda (Lady) Zeinab (as), who stood, since the beginning of the resistance path, with her brother throughout all hardships.

For those who do not know, Lady Zeinab was the beacon that lit the path of Islam after the martyrdom of her brother, she was the fine teacher and mother to his children, she became the voice of the voiceless, just like her brother was.

Seeing a brother and sister so supportive to each other's lives in all aspects is just delightful, and truly humane.

It is the story of Sayyed Abbas Moussawi and his sisters, who told us the story of their tight bond with their brother, friend, idol, and leader.

In particular, martyr leader Sayyed Abbas Moussawi embraced a very special relation with his younger sister, Monira, who sensed the special spirit of her brother at the beginning of his resistance activities.

"I still remember when he joined the resistance movement of the Palestinian factions against "Israel"...At that point, affection towards him grew in my heart, I loved to serve him and speak to him. To me, it was very interesting how he joined the resistance movement at a very young age... he was 15 or 16 years old at the time," Monira narrated.

During the early 80s, Sayyed Abbas headed to Tyr where he became one of the students of Sayyed Moussa al-Sader. Sayyed Abbas came back from Tyr, then traveled to Iraq for almost three years", the leader's sister recalled. She explained that when he came back, she had grown older, and had more clearly understood the important role he played in society.

"He was a fresh scholar from Iraq, and while people came to congratulate him for the success he had achieved, he was a very special person, whether in following the correct teachings of Islam, or in following the path of resistance against the enemy," she said, reiterating her pride in her brother.

"During his free time, he used to sit with me and the rest of the family and guide us, never with lectures.. He paved the way for me to understand the true meaning of any notion through his actions", she explained.

"Sayyed Abbas got married to Um Yasser, who happened to be my cousin and childhood friend. The three of us enjoyed a very special relationship," Mounira said. She traveled with them to Iraq where they resided, noting that she had lived with them in the same house, which was a beautiful beginning of the special relation between me and Sayyed Abbas.

Mounira said that particularly during that period of time, she discovered his personality and spirituality and the path he sought. She reiterated that not one day did Sayyed Abbas make her feel she was living at her brother's, but rather she felt she was in her own home, with her father and mother.

"Sayyed Abbas showed me the model of the man and scholar, who was perfect in treatment with his wife and family. After I got married in Iraq as well, I used to wait for the moment when I would visit my brother and Um Yasser; I felt that I was visiting my parents".

She added that this special bond gave her the chance to learn a lot from him. Further describing his personality, Mounira said that he was kind to the poor and the weak, strong, potent, and unshakable in face of the enemy, a kind heart with his family, and with children. She also narrated how life with Sayyed Abbas was a very modest life; materialistically speaking, but spiritually it was the richest. Not only that, but also he was a father to the young men like himself who sought the path of resistance, and a good friend who stood by the near and the far."

As the sister and brother grew older, the bond between the two only grew stronger, as Mounira described. She said he was a real father to her, and a tender mother, especially at the time their mother had passed away.

She said that she learned from him and from his character. Monira reiterated that while he used to help the people in their affairs, she used to try her best to offer whatever she could to serve the people too; the poor and vulnerable.

"In 1991, Sayyed Abbas became the Secretary General of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon. He resided in Beirut then, but even though we were in Baalbek, our bond was never broken. When I used to head towards Beirut, his house would be my only stop, right until before he was martyred," she pointed out.

Mounira said that she had spent 20 days at his warm home before that day, and left only one night before he had ascended to heaven.. "It was a Saturday night when we left, and the next day, on Sunday morning, Sayyed Abbas, Um Yasser, and their youngest son Hussein, were martyred.

"Here I recalled the sufferings and patience of Sayyeda (lady) Zeinab (as), with the path lady Zeinab sought with her brother Imam Hussein (as), all to serve one cause. Sayyed Abbas and Um Yasser were the "one soul" that showed me how patience works, and where the real path leads to", Sayyed Abbas' sister described.

Sayed Abbas was the voice of the voiceless, and so she and her sisters became that voice... he was the support to those in need and a carrier of Islamic teachings and humanity... they too grew into beacons like their brother.

She reiterated that time had come for her and her family to crystallize and take over the inspiring role he had played in this life...to be there for the poor, the needy, the weak and the oppressed... to be role models for a society that has to defend its rights and freedoms, and most important, to defend the path of Islam which brings ultimate happiness and serenity to humanity.

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