There is nothing like a truly happy love relationship! This level of
relationship isn’t reserved for the lucky or the favored. Happy relationships
have certain things in common. If you know what they are, you can find or create
happiness in your love relationship. Here are the 6 Essentials for a Happy Love
Everyday Zen
Happy love relationships have peaceful exchanges all day long. It’s never
anything major. It’s a way of talking and being with your partner that is
balancing, calming and fulfilling. Rather than confrontation being the daily
mode, partners in happy relationships flow in the same direction. When you see
them, you can feel their unity, their balance, and their way of quietly
supporting one another. There is no drama. There is only a zen-like connection
and expression displayed on an everyday basis.
Happy Housemates
It takes more than love to make and keep a happy relationship. You must be able
to run a household together as a unit. Conflicts over household duties can
create animosity that can go on for weeks, months and even years.
When it comes to being house mates, you must honor your word and honor the
contributions of your partner. Ensure clarity in your roles and your schedule
for cleaning, cooking, taking out the garbage, and things that need to be done
with your children. Being a good housemate eliminates turmoil and allows for
more reasons to feel happy emotions about one another.
Real Romance
Movies and television have brainwashed us into believing that the jewelry,
expensive electronics, and other gifts can inspire and maintain romance.
However, we often confuse happiness for receiving the gift with experiencing the
true feelings of romance. True romance has a lot less to do with gifts and has a
lot more to do with creating the circumstances where real emotions of love can
be expressed.
When you speak to you partner, look in their eyes. Make sure they know you are
listening. When together on the street or at home on the couch, hold hands, be
close, and give each other small kisses daily. Greet one another at the door
when you first come home, and spend your first minutes of being home just being
with them. Be fully present during your intimate moments, and never stop saying
“I Love You” on a daily basis. Rather than giving the symbols of love, express
love itself. When you and your partner share the emotions of true love, you are
engaging in real romance.
Financial Predictability
Disputes over money top the list of reasons for divorce and relationships
ending. However, money itself is not the issue. Problems normally occur with
lack of responsibility and good communication.
Every month, you should know where the money you need to pay the rent or
mortgage, and the other important bills is coming from. Know your financial
priorities as a couple, and know what your wants are verses your needs. If you
want to make a purchase that is out of the ordinary, discuss it with your
partner. In that way, your partner can act as a check against your financial
priorities, and you are including your partner in your plans. Decide together to
live below your means so you have money to save and invest. Take on the attitude
that taking responsibility for your finances is also taking responsibility for
one another and your family.
Spiritual Consistency
All religions and spiritual traditions have very common messages. However, we
tend to focus on the differences that define one system from another. Focusing
on these differences can create reasons to fight, even when both individuals are
making the same exact points. Even partners within the same religion or
spiritual practice can experience differences in interpretation, belief, and
Happy relationships find ways to focus on the similarities and not the
differences. They understand that the method by which they find spiritual
connection is not as important as the fact that they connect spiritually.
Discussions about the beliefs and holidays to raise the children with are open
minded, and open hearted. Exchanges are peaceful and respectful, and life is
lived with the common values found in most religious and spiritual practices.
Relationship happiness is found through these values, while turmoil is found
focusing the names, dates, and locations that define these practices.
Agreeable Disagreements
Every couple has disagreements. Those disagreements should be expressed and
discussed. A resolution should be reached, and live should go on. What typically
happens though, is that a discussion turns into an argument. Tempers flare,
voices get louder, and the people in the argument stop listening to each other.
If things further degrade, name calling, screaming, and bringing up of the past
can begin.
Couples that are truly happy do not make disagreements personal. They start from
the perspective of understanding their partner and then working together to find
common ground. Name calling and anything else disrespectful doesn’t enter the
picture. Discuss disagreements with respect, and without yelling. Express your
point of view with sensitivity and without verbal bullying. Discuss the issue
without bringing up the past or other non-related topics.
* By: James LeGrand