
Quotes of rajab-1


Quotes of rajab-1


Congratulations on the birth anniversary of Al Imam Muhammad Al Baqir (a.s)
1st of Rajab
It’s the month of forgiveness for my nation…
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Bihar Al Anwar, part 94, page 38-39
Nothing is more beloved to Allah than a deed that one persists in.
Al Imam Al Baqir (a.s)
Al Kafi, part 2, page 82
Allah is only known and worshiped by those who know Allah and recognize their Imam from among us, the Ahlul Bayt.
Al Imam Al Baqir (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 1, page 120
There is no knowledge like seeking safety, and there is no safety like the tranquility of the heart.
Al Imam Al Baqir (a.s)
Bihar Al Anwar, part 75, page 164
Supply yourself in this world with the provision of hope.
Al Imam Al Baqir (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 1, page 105
The commemoration of Imam Al Baqir signifies the resurgence of life in the authentic Islamic stream against distortions and distortions that were practiced at that time.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
Congratulations on the birth anniversary of Al Imam Ali Al Hadi (a.s)
2nd of Rajab
Humbleness is the adornment of knowledge.
Al Imam Ali (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2107
If people were to follow a valley and a path, I would follow the valley of a man who worships alone, but sincerely.
Al Imam Al Hadi (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 1, page 756
The inaccessible month of God.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Bihar Al Anwar, part 94, page 26
An ignorant man is the captive of his tongue.
Al Imam Al Hadi (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 1, page 464
It is the month of seeking nearness to Allah, humility, remembrance, repentance, and refining the soul.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
The side that prevailed in the conflict that Imam Al Hadi (a.s) waged against the caliphs of his time is Imam Al Hadi, for he achieved a manifest and hidden victory.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
May God reward you greatly on the martyrdom anniversary of Al Imam Ali Al Hadi (a.s)
3rd of Rajab
Whoever acts upon what he knows, God will teach him what he doesn’t know.
Al Imam Al Baqir (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2107
Prepare yourself; Rajab and Shaaban months are the months of preparing a man’s heart for the arrival of Ramadan month.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
People are judged in this world by money, but judged with their deeds in the hereafter.
Al Imam Al Hadi (a.s)
Bihar Al Anwar, part 75, page 368
Indeed, Rajab and Shaaban are my months, and Ramadan is the month of my nation.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Bihar Al Anwar, part 94, page 26-27
The best of goodness is the one who does it, the most beautiful of beauty is the one who says it, and the weightiest of knowledge is the one who carries it.
Al Imam Al Hadi (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 1, page 848
So whoever is diverted from Hellfire and admitted to Paradise, then he has attained success.
Surah Al An’am verse 16
If you learn from what you have lost from your past, you will preserve what remains.
Al Imam Ali (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2112
Islamic neither calls for spirituality alone, nor for materialism alone; It calls for both of them.
Al Imam Al Khomeini (may God sanctify his secret)
Verily, whoever fasts a day in the month of Rajab with faith and seeking God’s reward, will deserve the greatest pleasure of Allah.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Bihar Al Anwar, part 94, page 26-27
The supplications mentioned in the month of Rajab are educational lessons that must be known.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
All praise is due to God who has made Himself beloved to me while being self-sufficient from me.
From the supplication of Abu Hamza Al Thumali
Don’t occupy yourself with others’ faults. Focus on your improvement, productivity and work.
Work for each day according to its guidance.
Al Imam Ali (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2113
The Palestinians have humiliated the usurping entity, as well as the arrogant governments supporting it, with their actions, courage, and initiative, and today with their patience.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
During this month, Increase in seeking forgiveness, for it is the Forgiving, the Merciful.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Bihar Al Anwar, part 94, pages 38-39
It is a month for the purification of hearts and souls.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
Your speech is a mirror of your personality, and your words reveal your depth, thoughts, and manners… think deeply about that.
O, what great success you have achieved if you are among those who excel and strive in fulfilling the duty towards your parents.
Between sixty and seventy lies the battlefield of death.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2115
O, the one who laid me in the cradle of his safety and security.
From Al Imam Ali (a.) morning supplication
This divine script is the book of reviving the hearts with eternal life of divine knowledge.
Al Imam Al Khomeini (may God sanctify his secret)
On the day of Judgment, you will be asked about the insult or harm you caused on social media platforms.
O God, we love our guardian, so protect him with your protection, and grant him victory with your triumph.
When tears are shed, it’s the time for supplication.
If a man is 40 years old, a caller from the sky announces that departure is soon, so prepare your supply.
Al Imam Al Baqir (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2115
The Zionist Entity must be condemned; and the whole Islamic world must unite against it.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
He is the Subduer over His servants, and He is the Wise, the Acquainted.
Surah Al An’am verse 18
Raising children isn’t an easy and simple process. You must arm yourself with wisdom, patience, and maturity.
Enamored by your love, O Master of the Command!
Do not despair of the changes in your life, as these unexpected changes may lead you to doors of goodness and growth.
Increase in ritual purity, and Allah will add to your lifespan.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2116
Unfortunately, neither we, nor mankind nor the islamic scholars, have been able to benefit from this holy book as much as we should.
Al Imam Al khomeini (may God sanctify his secret)
Empower me and do not afflict me with arrogance; make me worship You, and do not corrupt my worship with vanity.
From the supplication of Makarim Al Akhlaq
A healthy marriage can’t continue without some sacrifice and compromise from both sides.
Every sin emanates from an individual is a result of his heart’s illness. Therefore, every person, intellectually and religiously, should strive to treat the illness of his heart and prioritize its well-being over the well-being of his body.
The martyr Sayyid Abdul Husain Dastghaib (may God’s mercy be upon him)
We certainly tested those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars.
Surah Al 'Ankabut verse 3
Divine testing is an established worldly law, and one of its results is the examination and revelation of true qualities.
A person among you does not age a day in their life except that another part of it crumbles away.
Al Imam Ali (a.s)
Mizan Al Hikmah, part 3, page 2112
The Islamic world must not forget that those standing against Islam in this crucial and decisive issue, in front of a Muslim nation, and in the face of oppressed Palestine, are America, France, and Britain.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
Embrace patience, adopt contentment, reject desires, and oppose whims.
Al Imam Al Jawad (a.s)
Tuhaf Al Uqul page 455
Indeed, Imam al-Jawad, peace be upon him, is a role model and an example for us.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
We can never acquire companionable ethical values or draw from the spiritual abundance far from its divine source.
Martyr Sheikh Murtada Mutahhari (may God’s mercy be upon him)
You can speak to God through supplication at any time, as His door is always open.
Congratulations on the birth anniversary of Al Imam Al Jawad (a.s)
10th of Rajab
Know that you will never escape the eye of God, so monitor your behaviors.
Al Imam Al Jawad (a.s)
Tuhaf Al Uqul page 455
And if God should touch you with adversity, there is no remover of it except Him…
Surah Al An’am verse 17
The short life of this righteous servant of God has passed in the struggle against disbelief and tyranny.
Al Imam Al Khamenei (may God protect him)
For every man, there are two partners in his wealth: the inheritor and unforeseen events.
Al Imam Ali (a.s)
Nahjul Balagha
He used to engage with scholars, preachers, claimants, and excuse-makers in the presence of Ma’mun al-Abbasid about the most intricate issues, substantiating and proving the excellence and legitimacy of his words.
One of the ugliest vices is spreading scandals and the desire to circulate shame.


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