
How to be just with your children

Many hadiths narrated by the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his family have emphasized justice among children, where he (pbuh) says: “Fear Allah and be just with your children.”


What are Al Mujahidin Manners

Bravery is a trait that’s created in the human self through training it on facing what it fears. It’s a trait that a fighter for the sake of God (mujahid) should have; it’s one of the ethical backgrounds.


How was the Imamate of Imam Al Jawad (a.s) designated

The texts issued by A Imam Al Rida (a.s) concerning the Imamate of his son, Al Imam Al Jawad (a.s), progressed gradually from before Al Jawad’s birth and continued until shortly before Al Ridha’s martyrdom.


The Three Ranks of Worship

There is no doubt that worshippers have ranks, just as Paradise has levels. God Almighty says: "And that man shall have nothing but what he strives for. And that his striving will soon be seen.



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